Saturday, October 3, 2020

Aggressive Nazi In Neighborhood


I’m a short non-violent Jew living in a major mid-western city that has very strict weapons laws. Last night, on my walk home, I had a man with a dog perform the sieg heil at me. I said “wtf“ and kept walking, which is when he went very very close to me and started calling me homophobic and anti-semitic slurs. He also physically pushed me. I just took it, because I am not a fighter and he had a dog with him, also just out of surprise and fear.

Here is the thing, I reached out to some people and I am fairly sure he lives in my neighborhood somewhere. My chances of running into him again are high, and for the first time in 27 years of living in this city I am planning on getting items meant for self protection. Obviously the ideal would be he never bothers me again, but I know his type and if he sees me again he will try and start a fight and I refuse to let some nazi touch me ever ever again.
After some research, it seems like a strong metal cane is the best mix between being usable, relatively non-lethal, and legal. Any suggestions? Any other Chicago legal things I can pick up? This is not.... an imposing example of manhood I am dealing with here, just a aggressive kinda dangerous loser.

Obviously I have no plans to confront this man. But I want to be safe if he tries to lay a hand on me again.

Submitted October 03, 2020 at 06:08AM by Baba2Yaga

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