Sunday, September 20, 2020

Steps we can take to secure Carry Rights by confirming a Supreme Court Justice

I'm crossposting this to help get the word out on our current Supreme Court fight in a semi-apolitical manner. I hope this passes rule 7 because we currently have several circuit court splits on concealed carry. Just this year, because there were not enough progun Justices, the Supreme Court refused to hear carry cases DESPITE the circuit split. We need, now more than ever, real clarity on concealed carry across ALL the states and I believe confirming a new Justice can do that in a pro 2nd amendment manner.Now is the time to get motivated and help confirm a pro gun Supreme Court majority for a generation!Why would you want to? I didn't think I'd have to answer this question, but after reading some uneducated comments this weekend I will take the time as a preface and go over why you should support this even if you identify more with another political ideology.First, if you support gun rights and like the current president, this is a no brainer. Skip below and follow the steps.Second, if you support gun rights, but either dislike the current president or have other issues that are more important to you this is STILL a no brainer. Why? You can push to confirm a strong, pro-gun, pro-Constitution Justice using the tactics I've laid out below and then you can vote however you want in the election! You don't even need to worry about voting for Trump (although hopefully there have been enough judiciary successes to change your mind).But what about (abortion, immigration, LGBT rights, insert other important topic that you're worried about)? Good news! Abortion has been case law for decades now, and will NEVER be completely banned. Even better for you, Roberts has become a more-or-less permanent moderate, has effectively flipped on abortion, and will do what he can to maintain the balance of societal issues, such as LGBT acceptance. Because of this you have literally ZERO need to worry. All this does it give us a solid, pro-gun majority. You can even balance this by voting for different candidates AFTER we get this pro-gun Supreme Court to pass more of those feel good laws you enjoy (shit, even Gorsuch/Kavanaugh said that they'd follow the law on LGBT protections so let's just pass more of them legislatively instead of using the courts to create them out of thin air, ok?).But what about (insert unclear 2nd amendment positions from the eventual nominee)? Good news, they're ALL better than RBG. Even the black boxes are better than a guaranteed "individuals don't have a right to guns" vote, which is what we had before. Plus the current short list are looking promising on the 2nd amendment but we'll followup on this once we get the nominee.Ok, so you read this and you're generally in, but why do we need to do this now? Senators are scared beings, who follow the crowds and voters. If a few too many Senators start to waiver, they all will start to waiver and this will collapse. We need them to get a huge deluge of emails and calls to confirm NOW or they will do whatever is easiest, which is nothing.What can we do? Simple! Pressure your Senators and the gun rights groups that you're a part of to push for a quick confirmation of the eventual qualified pro-gun Constitutionalist nominee! I'll go through a few of the most important Senators first in approximate order of importance If you're a resident of their state please follow their contact page linked below.Alaska Senator Murkowski She recently said she will not vote on this nominee. Write her and call her and tell her she is wrong. Contact page.Maine Senator Collins She gave a mixed but mostly negative message saying Trump should nominate someone, but that she'd prefer not to vote until later. She is in a tough race in a purple state. Mainers, call and email her! She can be flipped, she already voted yes on Kavanaugh. Contact page.Utah Senator Romney He REALLY hates Trump. Write and call him and tell him to put his personal feelings aside and confirm a nominee that his constituents want. Contact page.West Virginia Senator Manchin Yes, this is a Democrat but he's in a very conservative state, West Virginia. He voted to confirm Kavanaugh so we have a chance to get him on board. He knows he's effectively a Republican and the only way he's surviving elections is by being pretty conservative, so this is a chance to get one on board (in case we lose too many Republican votes). Write and call him. Contact page.Colorado Senator Gardner He is in a tough race in a purple state. I've emailed him already and intend to call him this morning. Please do the same fellow Coloradans. Contact page.North Carolina Senator Tillis He is in a tough race in a purple-ish state. Email him and call him. He recently said he will vote on this nominee, so tell him thank you and keep the pressure on. Contact page.Iowa Senator Grassley He made statements last year saying he wouldn't vote to confirm in 2020. Email him and call him. Contact page.Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander He is retiring and could use a nudge from the public. He recently said he will vote on this nominee, so tell him thank you and keep the pressure on.South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham He is the leader of the committee who will forward Trump's nominee before a general vote. He recently said he would move forward with the nomination, so tell him thank you and keep the pressure on.Feel free to use something like:Dear Senator [NAME]: Please work to confirm a pro-Constitution Justice as soon as possible. As your constituent, I expect you to disregard politics and to work on filling the Supreme Court vacancy without regards to election timing. Thank you,If your state wasn't singled out, use this link to find your Senators and email them RIGHT NOW. Call them this week at (202) 224-3121 (Capitol switchboard) and again after the nomination. The more the better, once one domino falls the rest will fall in line so we need to pressure them TODAY. Do you have Democrat Senators? Write them too, they should know that they represent pro-gun constituents as well.Finally, if you are a NRA, GOA, SAF or local gun organization member, write to them and call them to tell them to ensure we get a pro-gun nominee and confirmation. The NRA STILL has pull in some states, and your local orgs do too.NRA-ILA Contact PageGOA Contact PageSAF Contact PageFeel free to use something like:To whom it may concern: Please work with President Trump on selecting and nominating a pro-gun Justice, and then work with Republican and pro-gun Democrat leadership on confirming the Justice to the Supreme Court as soon as possible. Thank you,Thanks for reading this far, I may post abridged version of this as we move through the nomination and confirmation process. We need a full court press to ensure we actually get a pro-gun vote at the Supreme Court. We do not want another repetition of the 10 lost 2a cases that happened this year, and this is the only way we can prevent that from happening again (while keeping your conscience clear if you dislike current leadership). via /r/CCW

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