Saturday, September 19, 2020

"I'll just leave without my carry this once"

I'm sure this happens to all of us, I carry everywhere. Groceries, getting gas, riding my bike, walking my dog, etc. Every once and I while I forgo it. My dog has been attacked 4 times in the past, been carrying for two of them, never considered even drawing.This afternoon I decided to skip putting on my CCW. We're walking past a house, some neighborhood kids tell my I have a beautiful dog (great pyrenees), my wife and I thank them, walk on, feeling good. Two houses down a woman opens the door to her house from about 10 yards away and a pitbull runs out and goes straight for my dog. Like I said, this isn't the first time, but this attack was 100% all out he's latching onto my dogs neck and shoulder and ear really ferociously, the owners come but then fail to do anything and my dog isn't defending himself and yelping. So I start kicking and yelling for them to "Get your fucking dog!" I'm not a big guy, not exactly small either 5'10" 170. I was kicking this dog as hard as I possibly could, probably 8+ times. The dog isn't phased. My wife tries to separate them and gets bit. She tries to grab our dog out of the way and the dog latches onto my dogs shoulder again, I pull him away and the dog backs up and I'm hoping the owner grabs him, he paused then lunges at my dog again and I kicked it as hard as I could right across the jaw. The dog is still pretty unaffected but it paused again long enough for the owner to finally get it in the house. Animal control is involved, that's another story. The moral is, I've handled dog fights before, I assumed it wouldn't ever be this bad, I was wrong. I was also incapable of defending myself, wife, and dog myself. I ordered dog mace literally this morning before this happened and will never be without at least mace and/or my gun again.In the end, I'm glad I didn't have my firearm because that would've been a whole other level of escalation and we got out okay... this time. But when he was trying to tear at my dogs throat and I couldn't stop it, all I could think was I wish I didn't leave my gun at home. So carry everywhere guys, if I would've lost my dog, or my wife got hurt worse, cause I was too lazy to take 2 minutes to put on my CCW I would've never forgiven myself. Dog's okay, just puncture wounds on the neck. Wife has puncture wounds on her arm, I have a sprained ankle and hyperextended foot. via /r/CCW

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