Sunday, September 13, 2020

How do I explain CCW to a 5 year-old?

I finally got my Utah permit a few weeks ago. It’s been something I’ve been planning for and working towards for a long time. My issue is how to explain this new lifestyle to my 5 year-old daughter. This is a critical conversation and I need to ensure she understands it in a healthy way.So far she clearly understands that the gun is a dangerous, serious thing. She is not curious about the gun or wants to handle it.I’m fairly certain she may have some sort of anxiety issue that might be complicating the situation. For example: I walked outside the other day to retrieve the garbage can and she got worried wether or not I had my gun. Also last night, my wife went out to help a friend in a bind and my daughter was anxious because she thought mommy wouldn’t have a gun. I don’t want her to be afraid of the whole world (which COVID is not helping with) but still understand that daddy needs to keep the family safe. via /r/CCW

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