Friday, August 28, 2020

PSA - Ammo Shortage and Decency

Just a quick PSA from my experience this morning buying ammo at a big box store in my area.Nice long line out front waiting for the store to open. I start a conversation with the guy next to me to pass the time. We are both fairly far back in the line and wondering if any ammo will be left by the time we get up there, both hoping to get some 9mm so we can go practice on the range without running through too much of what little ammo we have now.When we do get in, it's a little like Black Friday with everyone hustling to the ammo, but you can tell no one wants to openly sprint for it. Tension is in the air.By the time we get there, most people have already grabbed their boxes and the shelf is looking a little scarce for 9mm. The store is limiting everyone to purchases of 3 boxes per caliber and only 5 boxes total regardless of caliber. He manages to get there a little ahead of me and grabs the last 2 boxes of 9 on the shelf. Seems I missed it by just a hair. To my surprise, he decides to go ahead and give me one of his boxes. He shrugs it off, saying he can just come back in a couple days when the next truck comes in and get more. Hats off to you man, thanks.On our way to the checkout we pass an older gentlemen and his granddaughter (I'd guess). Both him and his granddaughter were ahead of us in line and both are sporting 3 boxes of 9, 3 of 556, and 3 of 380. 18 boxes between the two of them; well over the limit. My new friend lets them know as we walk by what the store policy is, and that they won't be able to check out with everything that they have. Immediately, the older fellow swivels around and attempts to melt my new friend with his heat vision and some harsh words. Unphased, my new friend does some nice verbal judo, deescalates the situation with the wild old fellow, and proceeds to head out.Be like that first guy. Look out for each other and pay it forward.This too shall pass, be able to look back and be proud of how you handled yourself during this challenging time. via /r/CCW

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