Saturday, August 29, 2020

I was assaulted and held against my will today

My job requires me to enter and work in peoples homes every day, since covid is bad where i live my company has limited the type of work that that I can do inside the customers home. Today a customer had issues with a piece equipment I brought to them yesterday (I wasn't allowed to install it because of covid) I showed back up to give them a new device and went out of my way to activate it in their living room where I was allowed to work and verify it was working then handed them the equipment to and of course the customer couldn't get it work. Things went south when I told them I couldnt go into their bedroom because of covid so we can credit their account for the box that isn't working but there's nothing else I can do for them until we go back to BAU. The guy instantly starts yelling and asking for my supervisors number so I give him the desk number and start walking to the door as soon as I opend the door he runs up shoulder checks me and knocks me away from the door and slammed it shut then proceededs to block the only exit and yells about how im not going to leave until his stuff it working. At this point I backed off in to the kitchen and telling him to let me leave im calling the cops he starts yelling more and throwing his hands up and pacing toward mem luckily his wife started screaming to let me leave and after what seemed like 2 minutes of not being allowed to leave and his wife screaming he finally stepped away from the door and allowed me to leave. I keep a fixed blade on my belt and a pistol in my pocket and im sure It would have been justified to have used them to force my way out but I choose to not let him know they were there or be aggressive. This was the first time I was trapped and couldn't escape a threat and started mentally preparing to engage if i had no other options i think i did it right but would you have dawn your weapon and forced your way out or just play hostage like I did? What are your thoughts? via /r/CCW

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