Sunday, July 26, 2020

CCW Mods & Training Question

A couple of weeks ago I bought my first CCW pistol, H&K VP9SK. I have many long guns and have shot them competitively for years, even have a couple of target pistols, but didn't have anything carry sized. I've had my CCW permit for years as well, just in case. So my buddy who has been carrying for years says "DO NOT mod your pistol in ANYWAY or you'll get screwed in court." I do not want to lighten the trigger. I do want to have the slide milled for an RMR and either some light stippling or some grip tape in a couple of spots. I have read what the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network has to say about mods, but it's mostly centered around trigger mods, which I get. For me that's a safety thing for me on CC pistol.So here's the question. How do gun mods compare in court compared to training? The reasoning is that gun mods help the prosecutor say to the jury "These mods mean he was looking to kill people." But if I take a CCW self defense class or regularly self-train - range time, draw drills etc, which the CCW community pushes heavily and rightfully so, how does that not look the same way to the jury? via /r/CCW

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