Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Self defence with no weapons allowed.

I'm from Ireland so there are no weapons allowed here. I can't own a gun let alone carry one in public, I can't own a knife with a blade longer than 4" and carrying any blade in public would get me in trouble. I can't have pepper spray, knuckle dusters, nunchucks or a tazer.

In a situation like that what do people recommend? A blend of certain martial arts? Work on my sprints and situational awareness or de-escelation? If my wife or daughter are with me then running is not an option.

Too often on here I see advice to carry a weapon but people don't seem to realise that in certain countries that just isn't possible.

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 11:16AM by Mr-Foot https://ift.tt/306PFZq

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