Monday, January 6, 2020

Recent flying experience LAX/IND on Delta

Flew from LAX to IND on Delta over the holidays. I'm TSA pre, so I usually get to the airport no more than 45mins-1hr prior to boarding. This time since I was declaring a weapon, I showed up about 90mins prior to boarding. I get to the counter, tell the clerk I'm flying with a weapon, and she immediately tells me she can't help me and has to get someone with experience to sort me out. We walk all the way to the end of the Delta area, she hands me off, and the new agent walks me all the way back to the same computer and boots the first agent off. He has me open my bag, which I was ready for and packed accordingly, then to my surprise has me open my lock box to look at the weapon right there next to other passengers checking in. He signs the deceleration, then has me sign under his signature. I close everything up, he tags my bag, and I'm on my way. I pass through security, and am now at the gate waiting for my flight to board, when I hear my name over the PA system. I ask the gate agent what the deal is, and she tells me to go all the way back to the main counter and a supervisor will meet me. So I get down there, and the supervisor is waiting with my bag. She tells me we have to go to TSA's room, and basically do the inspection all over. I'm not allowed in the room, and have to stand 6' away at the door and hand TSA my key. He examines my weapon, makes sure it's unloaded, signs a new declaration card, packs everything back up and gives me my key. When I land in Indy, I go to the Delta office to get my bag since they're not allowed to put it on the conveyor belt. Quick ID check and I'm on the way.Now coming back from Indiana.. Get to Delta desk, jokingly ask him if it's gonna be a pain in the ass process like LAX, he says, "nope, we do things different around here." Asked me if my weapon is cleared, has me sign the declaration card, does not ask to open the lock box, but has me just place the card on top of the box in my bag, and sends me on my way. So damn easy. When I got to LA, it was the same procedure for pick up, but they put some big ass zip tie around my bag. via /r/CCW

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