Friday, January 31, 2020

Is carrying more than a single spare mag really worthwhile?

So I’ve been carrying for a couple years and am looking to upgrade my set up a little bit. I love my guns and I will continue to carry the ones I have, but more looking for a new holster setup. I’ve got a lot of recommendations for (insert random brand sidecar double super mag holster-o-rama) and it sort of made me think.Isn’t carrying more than a single spare mag definitely over doing it? Yes you can never have enough ammo, yes I’d rather have too much than not enough, yes I’ve heard about the guy who now carries 100+ rounds because of an experience he had where he needed it.But realistically, as an everyday civilian, is there any logical reason for more than one spare mag? I can understand one in case of a jam, or if you have a gun that only holds a few rounds. But is carrying 36-50 rounds on you really worth taking up your entire waistline? Not at all calling out people who do this, just wondering what the logic behind it is. If it’s a comfort/peace of mind thing I understand, as that is sorta the entire basis of carrying a firearm in the first place.(I carry a ruger security 9, a beretta 92 when it’s cold/i feel like Bruce Willis, and a PPS when I can’t wear layers or don’t feel like putting a big boy belt on) via /r/CCW

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