Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My rant about companies that make "self defense" products and the people who buy them

I don't understand the people who make these kinds of products, and the people who buy them (If these people aren't okay with owning guns)If someone thinks using a gun defensively is "Too aggressive" or "They don't want to kill someone", they're certainly not going to be the type that's totally fine with bludgeoning someone with a baseball bat until they're incapable of moving, or slicing someone up with a knife until they pass out from blood lossThey just restrict themselves to less effective weapons that in most cases would require you cause enough damage to possibly kill the person anyway - just to get them to stop coming at youThese less effective weapons also have the potential of getting the defender injured or killed as they mostly require you to be up close and personalIt makes me cringe when I hear small women talking about how they keep a taser or a pocket knife in their purse for defense - when any man the same size as her or larger would overpower her and remove these less effective weapons almost instantlyThis is an excellent video discussing self defense myths specifically by womenGuns definitely aren't the end all be all of self defense implements, but I believe they're the best bet for the majority of people, especially women, the elderly, and people with certain types of disabilities that restrict movement via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/38Mdqr7

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