Thursday, January 30, 2020

Reality hit close to home today

Let my stupidity serve as a reminder for everyone- be safe, keep your head on a swivel, and carry: ALWAYS. Period.In the last few months I have gotten sloppy and lazy about carrying around my home. After work and when at home, I have been sloppy about keeping my EDC on my person (SR9c for what it is worth). I have even been lazy about carrying when I walk out with my dog to let her relieve herself or for small walks to the mailbox. That sloppiness ends today!Checking Nextdoor this morning, I saw news that a rape is being investigated less than half a mile from my house! This is just now being disclosed by police a week after the incident was reported. I cannot imagine what that poor woman is going through and how difficult her life must be at this time. She probably was like me and enjoyed the relative quiet of the neighborhood and thought she was safe. Her entire world must be upended and who knows how this will affect her future.My complacency and laziness are jeopardizing my safety and those around me. I have been lucky to not have an incident to this point, but others were not as fortunate. I need to be better citizen for not only myself and my loved ones, but for those around me. I am a poor example of this community. I need to do better. Learn from my mistakes.TL;DR- Don't get lazy. Always carry. Your safety and those around you is paramount. via /r/CCW

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