Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Non lethal weapons that can quickly neutralize an enemy (Europe)?

I am in Europe. Obviously most of us can't carry firearms on our body. My question is quite simple: What weapon would you carry on your body, to quickly neutralise a dangerous foe in a place like the street, subway, etc?I thought about getting one of those collapsible police batons...But do they really hurt? Here people often wear heavy padded jackets (in winter/autumn) and I fear that a baton won't hurt them.A knife is obviously damaging but pretty illegal, and turning a location into a butcher shop and the perp into a pork chop, isn't exactly what Im looking for (in addition to life in jail).A combination of a police baton, and a pepper spray, aswell as decent martial arts (grappling) skills is what Im going for. What do you think?I realised after witnessing a random civilian getting assaulted by a aggressive Junkie that I was totally helpless. No weapon on me, nothing. I aim to change that. via /r/CCW

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