Monday, January 27, 2020


Hi, I have a couple questions regarding obtaining a restricted pistol permit in Oneida County in NY.When I was 14~ years old, my school recommended I be put on a pre-PINS program. IMO I wasnt a bad kid, just didnt go to school, and partied with my friends with alcohol. Of course they did psych evals and all that stuff, stating I abused alcohol and had ODD (oppositional defiant disorder). I'm not sure if any of this still exists within the system. I was put on the pre-pins program. Met with mentors and such a couple times a week for a couple months, didnt get in any more trouble and eventually they just stopped comingMy question is, will this be automatic denial of a pistol permit in my county? Do I have to disclose this information? I cant even remember names or dates, i would have to contact the county building. Please help I'm very nervous this will hinder my ability to even carry restricted from something that happened 13 years ago. I'm 27 now.Thanks in advanced. via /r/CCW

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