Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Guns aren’t shoes

I’m sure this isn’t going to be a popular post. I’m also sure this is going to be my “Boomer” thought of the day. But I was at the range the other day with a buddy of mine who brought seven hand guns with him. I have two and I use them for two completely different reasons. One to carry /self defense (Taurus 9mm G2C), and the other for hunting (S&W 629 Hunter) that I got from my grandfather.While at the range he cycled through all of them and the shot groups were a mess. I asked him why he doesn’t stick with one and get really proficient with it.He gave me the “I have them for different situations” answer.My response to him was what I’m asking here. Instead of getting a different weapon for “different self defense situations”, wouldn’t it be better to become crazy proficient with one? I see lots of collectors here but if it takes 10,000 hours of practice and training to become an expert at anything, why cut yourself short why delay the mastery? Guns aren’t shoes and shouldn’t be an “accessory to your outfit”.Look forward to everyone’s feedback and thoughts. If this offends you, I’m sorry that you feel offended. via /r/CCW

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