Thursday, November 21, 2019

Crackhead just opened my front door

Holy fuck. First of all, adrenaline is still pumping and it’s been almost two hours. We live in an apartment in a slightly bad part of town, not horrible but not the best either. My girlfriend ran out to start our truck and let it warm up while I was getting ready (it’s currently 16 degrees outside)... I hear her walk out the front door to our apartment and shut it behind her. Moments later as I’m putting my coat on, I hear the door open again....not enough time for her to have turned the truck on and come back I grab my edc gun (Glock 19) and walk out of my bedroom. Once I’m in the hallway I see my front door slowly closing and then the door handle being slowly released, as if it was someone closing the door trying to be quiet without the latch making sound. Then I hear the outer building door open which is my girlfriend coming back inside, I jog to the front door of my apartment and open it where I find a man standing in the hallway at the other side of the building, where he walks around the corner to not be seen. I pull my girlfriend inside (behind me) and begin to approach him when he obviously peeks around the corner to see if I’m still watching. I’ve never seen him before. He approaches me which is when I ask if he lives here, he replies “no, but I’m looking for my friends, one is a black man and the other is a big ass native chick” (neither descriptions match anyone who lives in our building) so I said “I’ve never seen you here before, or anyone who looks like that...why did you open my front door?” He immediately starts studdering and claiming he didn’t try to open my door, saying he just walked past looking for his friends. I went back inside without responding to the man and locked my door. Standing there still confused I talk to my girlfriend and explain to her what just happened. She said when she went to start the truck he was standing at the outside door and she tried to shut it behind her but he must have slipped in when she walked past (she didn’t want to put her back to him or be near him for long so she quickly exited the building and pushed the door shut behind her which is when he was able to get inside the building.)I get even more uncomfortable and call a neighbor for backup (who is a big ass army vet) I walk out to the hallway- Then I notice the strange man has propped the front door to the apartment building open with a shovel so he can get back inside. He is out front belligerently yelling at his cellphone. He comes back inside where I ask again if he lives here, he reply’s no, so me and my neighbor quickly chase him out and down the street, where we told him to never ever try to come back or open any of our doors again.Our other elderly neighbor was watching out the front windows and got a description of the man, if he sees the strange man again he will call the police for us since our windows do not face the street side.Anyways. Whew...that was intense. I’ve never come that close before. Heart was pumping, only reason I did not draw my firearm was because I knew my girlfriend had just walked out of the house and I didn’t know if it was just her grabbing her keys or something like that.We’re all okay, talked to the landlord about potentially adding stronger door arms to shut the building doors harder since we have a problem with them not latching shut.Anyways. That’s my spooky experience. Keep your heads on a swivel and lock your doors, folks. via /r/CCW

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