Friday, May 31, 2019

Road trip self defense tips

So I'm a 20 year old college student. In a few months I'm going to be going on a road trip with my little brother(13 years old) to see some national parks, state parks and beaches, explore stuff, and maybe visit some family. Well be sleeping in my suv at truck stops for a few weeks(I have a nice set up), and going hiking remote places where I won't have cell phone reception. I think it might be kinda sketchy in some places. I heard about hikers being attacked and stuff like that. Being from a bigger city, I know to always be aware of my surroundings and what not, but do you guys have any weapon recommendations for me in case shit hits the fan? I think I could put up a decent fight up against an attacker but having a weapon could give me an upper hand in case it come to that. I'm comfortable with guns and I'm responsible but idk the legality of that kind of stuff with crossing state borders, so Pepper spray? Taser? Bat? Better options? What do you think?

Submitted June 01, 2019 at 01:04AM by Ian_man_805

Government buildings are not safe: mass shooting VA Beach shooting at a municipal building in VA Beach, 11 dead, suspected murderer dead.Another failure if gun free zones to prevent gun violence.EDIT: first hand report says this building does not prohibit carrying. Not gun free zone. via /r/CCW

Open carriers be like... via /r/CCW

Oh right, that's why I carry this heavy bastard. 5 rounds at ~12 yards freehand via /r/CCW

Stoeger 8000F holster

Anybody know of a good IWB holster for the Beretta/stoeger cougar? via /r/CCW

Looking for a good shoulder bag for my CCW.

I do a lot of outdoors stuff, mostly in hot climate where I'm not going to be wearing anything but gym shorts and a t-shirt or tank top. I also usually carry a small backpack/shoulder bag/sling bag.I carry a Glock 43X and I'm looking for a shoulder bag that can somehow conceal the gun to the front strap in a not-obvious manor? Is this a thing? via /r/CCW

TX Gov. Abbott signs bill into law legalizing brass knuckles, punches, clubs beginning September 1. via /r/CCW

Is a Gas Duster an effective weapon?

If you turn the can upside down and spray into a targets face, would they be affected at all?

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 02:20PM by ScriptGenius12

Sig P320 vs FN 509

I’m looking at getting my first CCW and have narrowed it down to the compact Sig P320 or the mid-size FN 509.I like the ergonomics and grip better with the 509. The trigger was close but felt slightly better on the P320 (although I tried a full-sized 509 and the mid-sized trigger is supposed to be better than the full size). I would likely upgrade to an Apex trigger regardless, which is ~$100 more for the 509. Size and weight are close enough to be the same for me. I like the grip modularity of the P320 in principal but likely won’t utilize it in practice, unless changing frame color for the all important style points.If I got the P320, I’d get it without the night sights to put my own on and would probably get it with a manual safety (I would carry with the safety off but I like it there for when newer shooters shoot my guns and I’m used to it from my 1911).TLDR: Mid-sized FN 509 or Sig P320 and why, disregarding market share popularity? via /r/CCW

Washington - 20 days via /r/CCW

First EDC and Favorite Paper Weight via /r/CCW

How do y’all feel about this ? Happened in my county via /r/CCW

Reciprocity Question

I just moved to VA from FL and VA honors FL's CCW permit. Can I continue to carry until my VA permit comes in or do I need to hold off? via /r/CCW

Carrying at a church in AL

Are there any special laws that would prohibit me from carrying at a church in Alabama? I work at a farmer's market on the weekends and it's hosted in a church parking lot. I thought I had seen some restrictions on carrying in houses of worship before but can't seem to find them anymore, and I'm not sure whether they would apply to the parking lot or not. Does anyone have any experience with this or a link to the appropriate law? via /r/CCW

“Please leave your firearm in your car” via /r/CCW

HOA wants to ban weapons at community pool. How to fight this, or should I?

I'm on my HOA board and we're revisng the community pool rules to address some recent issues. Unrelated to those issues, at least 1 board member wants to add a "no weapons" rule while we're at it as a "common sense" addition that "should have been there all along."In NC, a "the posting of a conspicuous notice" is all that is needed to ban concealed carry, and it carries the force of law. The posting of these proposed new rules would prohibit concealed carry at the pool, and "concealed means concealed" would carry the risk of legal consequences.I'm torn on what to do. On one hand, a no weapons rule would have no practical effect on me. Although I am a permit holder, I never carry to our community pool, as I won't swim with my weapon, and there's no practical way to safely and discretely remove/store a weapon while at the pool. On the other hand, just on principle, I'm also loath to roll over on this and relinquish my right to carry. However, I know that this will likely be a fight I will lose because the others on the board are not "gun people." Thus, I wonder if it's even worth the fight.Thoughts? via /r/CCW

Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 31, 2019 [Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training] via /r/CCW

Florida 58 days via /r/CCW

Will Home Insurance Cover Damage I Caused in Self Defense?

I'm 23 and still live with my parents and was wondering, if someone broke into our house and I had to use my gun, does insurance typically cover damage I cause, like say if I miss a shot or two. I'm not too worried about tiny holes since those are an easy fix, more-so like if I need to replace a support beam that took some buck shot or an appliance that got in the way.

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 06:21AM by SeNorSpiceyBoi

Looking for holster(s)

Looking for IWB tuckable, Glock 19/23, Walther PPQ, CZ P10-S holsters that support Olight PL-Mini 2.Hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. Bought into the Olight PL-Mini 2 deal a little while back and now looking for holsters. Found one or two manufacturers but none that have have tuckable clips, just standard high-ride. Have Glock 23, Walther PPQ, and likely getting a P10-S as soon as I can actually find one. Desirability in that order. Will be milling / adding RMR in the long-term.Thanks! via /r/CCW

Freedom Friday - Weekly off-topic thread. May 31, 2019

Welcome to our "Freedom Friday" thread. Here, you can post anything that is related to firearms or other weapons(knives, etc.). Posts do not need to be self-defense related. We'll be monitoring these threads and making adjustments to our content rules as necessary. via /r/CCW

Thursday, May 30, 2019

NC-80 Days via /r/CCW

What sorts of additional challenges does being on the autistic spectrum add for gun owning/carrying?

No text found via /r/CCW

Pajamas/lounging around the house carry via /r/CCW

LCP @ 15yrds - Shooting at 'defensive' speed via /r/CCW

Should Your Carry Gun Have a Light Trigger? via /r/CCW

Kimber Micro .380 vs Sig p238. Opinions?

I'm in the market for a new pocket gun and have it narrowed down to three .380s.Kimber MicroSig p238Springfield 911I've held (but not shot) the Kimber and the Springfield and the Kimber was the better feeling gun. It seemed lighter weight (even though specs say it isn't) and it just felt more solid. The Springfield was nice, but just didn't feel as well built as the Kimber.Price was the same on them (or within $10).Also considering the Sig p238, but I've not been able to get my hands on one yet. No place around me has it. There is a gun shop that has the p938 (9mm) and I'm going to go look at it, but I don't know that I want the added weight and size of 9mm because I'm just wanting a small pocket gun..Had a Ruger LCP2 I hated and just unloaded it which is why I'm looking for something else.I know Kimber doesn't get a lot of love on here but never knew why.The Kimber is about $100 less than the Sig p238. via /r/CCW

Carrying at work - Healthcare edition

Does anyone that works in a healthcare institution carry while working? I am a nurse in an operating room and change into scrubs when I come in, and out of scrubs when I leave.I had planned to keep my firearm in my locker, but I now share my locker with another employee.Just curious if anyone has any experience carrying in such attire, or any tips that may help via /r/CCW

“Gun Law” versus “Use-of-Force Law” [Andrew Branca, Law of Self Defense] via /r/CCW

How not to de-escalate a tense situation. While not a CCU situation, this is a good example of behaviors that can lead to violence when running away would have been the smart move. via /r/CCW

Closed Front Garment Draw Technique via /r/CCW

Legal landmines in Denver / CO?

Going to my sister in law's wedding in Denver soon. Coming from New Mexico. I've verified that they honor my concealed carry. I know about the 15 round mag limit. I know open carry is verboten.Any non - obvious legal landmines specific to this state and city I should be aware of while carrying? via /r/CCW

New York man facing illegal weapons charge after killing 2 burglars in his home via /r/CCW


So I recently took a class and at the end of it the instructor gave me a 50% off a leupold optic, so now I am torn between getting an RMR or the DPP. I’ve shot with both and enjoy them both. But I’m just not sure what way to go. HELP! via /r/CCW

Are you nervous to try AIWB? Fear no more. via /r/CCW

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I think I know an effective tool, shame it’s never mentioned in the comments via /r/CCW

Do you practice shooting without ear pro?

Just wondering. My thought is during a defensive shooting you wouldn't have it, so shouldn't you know what it's like and how to react? via /r/CCW

Self defense ideas/products for young woman getting ready for college

Being in college myself and having seen and heard of horrific incidents happening to young women in college it scares me that my sister will soon be heading out into that environment. My parents and I have talked about this issue before and while I’m a fan of having her carrying a knife but I realize that could be complicated if she gets caught with it even if it is used in self defense. My parents want her to carry pepper spray and a taser which I’m in favor of but I feel she should have the ability to use deadly force if it really does come down to it. Do any of you know of any good self defense products that have worked well and could be used effectively by a young woman?

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:52PM by gamegoat20

Holster for running/jogging for smaller guys

Hey guys, I'm in the market for a holster that I can use for my runs. I carry a Ruger ec9s. Normally in a cheapy kydex holster I got off Amazon or a sticky/remora depending if I am wearing slimmer clothes.. although even though the sticky never moves, I feel sketchy not having a clip to hold it on my wasteband...With warm weather returned I started running outside again, i usually wear basketball shorts and a tshirt and the holsters weight the shorts down when I run. I have a very slim frame and am thinking about a type of dedicated "fanny pack" made for ccw for when I'm running.. because I generally have to wear a button up to hide my pistol from printing because of how skinny I am.What do you guys and girls use? via /r/CCW

how to restrain someone pregnant

my sister is pregnant, as in about to give birth probably within 2-3 weeks, and she is very hostile. this is not her first child, so i know her behavior. she has been getting exceptionally hostile lately, and she’s been known to go after people with knives. i googled, but i can’t find out how to safely restrain a pregnant woman/defend yourself in the situation. is there any proper way?

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 10:00PM by benjaminhobgood

I need a stick to beat up bad guys

I need help finding something to carry around to protect myself. I go to a public school and naturally can't just carry around an obvious knife, and I would prefer something nonlethal. I've been looking at this huge ass poles and batons that are compact, but they're either too expensive or not big enough. I want something small enough to carry around normally, that gets to be only a little shorter than my height (like around 5 feet) when extended. Preferably either metal or wood, but what I want to do is to be able to unsheath it and scare an oncoming attacker SO MUCH with its intimidation factor I don't have to worry too much about using it. I would use pepper spray but that's not allowed at my school. If anyone has any suggestions or Amazon links, I would (literally) owe you my life.

Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:21PM by high_on_acrylic

I prefer concealed via /r/CCW

How do you actually correct flinch

I’ve been shooting for years. Gotten a lot of trigger time. Dry-fire almost every night. Still have a flinch when it comes to shooting pistols. How do I get over the flinch?“Dryfire”: I do. And not just a couple trigger pulls every now and then. But like a solid half-hour of slow and deliberate trigger manipulation. Practicing fundamentals, practicing the reset, all that good and fundamental stuff.“More trigger time”: I shoot ~300 rounds a week. I doubt that’s it but hey, it might be. And that’s not mag dumps, it’s either a competition or practicing the fundamentals to try and get rid of my flinch.“Lock your wrists”: I do strong hand push and weak hand pull. Doesn’t help. Beyond that I apparently can’t lock my wrists because I have no idea what the shit that means. So that might be it.“Don’t shoot a subcompact” I shoot a 4” double stack 9mm mainly. It’s on the upper edge of being a compact.“Don’t be a bitch” I was born this way“Let the trigger pull surprise you” it does. Still flinch. It doesn’t, still flinch.Anybody have any ideas? via /r/CCW

Does anyone have side by side photos of a glock 43 with taran tactical +3 extensions next to a glock 19?

Apologies for the bland question but I'm planning on purchasing a 43 but I'm not sure if the +2 or +3 mag extensions would be a better fit. I have a 19 so that's what I'm using to compare grip length.If this kind of post isn't allowed let me knowThanks! via /r/CCW

Plaid Pantry clerk who displayed gun to robbery suspect fired for having weapon at work | KATU via /r/CCW

Interactive map showing how the percent of adults with concealed handgun permit changes in states over time from 2013 to 2018 via /r/CCW

What to do if you missed the 90 day window to finish application? Indiana

I submitted my online application but had a whole bunch of stuff happen. I was never able to finish my application and it has been past the 90 day window. Is it to late for me to get my ccw or is there something I can do to try and get it? via /r/CCW

New belly band/concealed belt idea? via /r/CCW

Getting a CCW license

Hello , I recently completed a firearms class through my university. I want to apply for my CCW but I don’t know what the Sheriff’s office would need to show proof that I have taken the firearms training course; meeting the requirements? via /r/CCW

Shout to to MIE Holsters, Sig Sauer, and Olight for my new carry rig via /r/CCW

Glock 42 vs 43

S'up everyone, long time lurker first time posterJust got my permit (FL) in the mailbox and about to go purchase a new glock. I currently have a 30 SF but too bulky for me to carry. I experimented with the G42 and G43 and I am split to the point I almost flipped a coin. However, some last minute research I came across some reviews explaining some jamming issues with the 42 when shooting 95 grain, yet majority of others had nothing but praise for the .380. Anyone have info to share regarding a jamming issue? Any first hand accounts with either firearm is greatly appreciated. Cheers. via /r/CCW

Interesting lock box idea via /r/CCW

Situational awareness is key, or blind luck. via /r/CCW

What Should We Learn and Teach Our Significant Others?

Quick back story: This happened in South Korea where guns are banned. The man claims he was drunk and does not remember doing this. Videos of this incident has exploded in Korea and people are asking for harsh punishment. He was caught after 24 hours but the girl narrowly escaped this predator.​What can we all learn from this video and teach our significant other IF they do not conceal carry or cannot conceal carry? Pepper spray? Call the 911 when you suspect something?​Here's where he follows her all the way to her home. where he stays and tries multiple times to break in. via /r/CCW

Looking for a good “pocket” gun other than LCP2. Looking at Kahr CW380. I am a small guy. Any advice?

I had a Ruger LCPII I bought last summer and had shot a few boxes through it and had terrible experience. Every mag had at least one jam. So it sat in my safe and never made it out, I finally sold it today for almost as much as I paid for it.Now I’m looking for an alternate. I am seriously considering the Kahr CW380. My former co-worker has one he carries and I’ve been impressed looking at it. Although I’ve never fired it.For a small guy what’s a good “pocket” or deep concealment gun you’d recommend? I’ve had the LCP I mentioned and also a Keltec which I did not like either. It beat the hell up out of your hand after firing a few rounds. I do have an M&P 9mm that sits in my dresser drawer for home protection but is a bit too large for me to carry comfortably.Appreciate any feedback.FYI... I do prefer pocket carry over holster. via /r/CCW

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Is a 1911 reliable enough to carry?

I’ve been in love with 1911s 45apc since forever.But I have seen some comments which imply that the reliability isn’t anywhere near striker fired semi autos or non1911 da/sa’s. And that this is commonly accepted as fact.If a 1911 is what fits best and what I shoot best, go with it. just wondering about the reliability aspect which is #1 priority via /r/CCW