Thursday, April 18, 2019

Recently took my second CCW class. My observations.

Needed to take another CCW class as my state wouldn't take my previous course as it was taken over one year ago and in another state.​I have been a lifelong shooting enthusiast and remember being disappointed in my first class as the instructor taught very little practical knowledge either about shooting, generally, and certainly little about the practicalities of the use of force, instead focusing on a lot of pro-2A rhetoric.​Fast forward and I'm in my second class and there is less rhetoric and a lot of focus on pistol basics and maintenance (e.g., there was a test on the names of the different parts of ammunition) and, again, little about the practicalities on the use of force. In fact, the instructor seemed to be taken off guard and maybe even offended when I (politely) asked a question about how the local police/court have interpreted "real and perceived threat".​Why this was a little alarming to me is because of the number of novices in the courses. Probably less than 10% of either of the course were people with experience in shooting and who just needed the class for the license and easily over half were true novices including some who literally had never shot a gun before.​So I guess my point in this post is hoping that if you're an instructor and reading this, perhaps structure the course in terms of 1. How to stay alive. 2. How to stay out of jail. 3. How to stay out of court. and if you're a potential student, understand that to really know how to do points 1-3, know that you're really going to have to continue to study and practice. Of course, all this in my opinion.​Would love to hear others' experiences. via /r/CCW

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