Saturday, April 27, 2019

Help with Father who is very against me carrying

Hey y'all, so last night my Dad and I had a very long phone conversation in which he could not understand why I "NEEDED" a gun. We spoke for 2 hours and no matter what stats I used and rationale I gave he just couldn't understand or get on board with me. "In my 54 years I've never thought that I need a gun, but you in your 21 years all of a sudden think you need to hide a GUN on you?" A lot of stuff like that, and no matter how much I explained that it was for the purpose of protecting loved ones God forbid I need to and can't get out of the situation by any other means he just wouldnt budge. Any advice from some of y'all who have dealt with similar things?EDIT: I am still going to carry, just trying to seek advice on how to explain my rationale better explains myself as I know he isn’t the only one in my family that feels this way via /r/CCW

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