Monday, April 29, 2019

My Glock may have very well saved my life yesterday.

So for context, me and a friend of mine had just finished graduating from the fire accademy and were on our way back to the house to put our gear back up. We were beat from the live burn and thought the exciting part of the day was done with. As we hit the on ramp my friend went to merge over, but unfortunatley didn't see a motorist traveling in the same lane, forcing him to break so we didn't hit him. He layed on his horn for a good minute and came flying up next to us. He rolled down his window and began shoutting into mine, all while going about 65mph. This guy is clearly out of his mind, telling us he was going to hit us, then swearving into us and forcing us over to the shoulder. At this point the adrenaline starts pumping and I'm thinking to myself "holy shit this guy is going to run us off the road". We speed up trying to get away and hes following us the whole way, alternating from behind us to infront of us, swearving into us and break checking us. My friends phone had fallen on to the floor and mine was in the back seat in my jacket, so we couldn't exactly call 911. This guy went flying in between cars, through a construction site, and at one point even opened his door for whatever reason while barreling down the highway, every time he got close to us he was yelling things like "I'm going to shoot you!" and "I'm going to kill you!" So we see our off ramp and try getting over without him knowing, but he cuts off a few other motorists and comes flying around us, boxing the car in, leaving us unable to move the vehicle. He jumps out, about 6'2, 250 pounds, and he's going nuts. My friend also carries and after locking the doors and rolling the windows up draws his firearm, while the guy is pulling at his handle screaming at the top of his lungs. I stepped out, using my door as a barrier between this guy and myself. He is now screaming at my friend telling him to shoot him, and all about his 4 kids. My friend did not aim his weapon, he only presented it. He then decides he wasn't getting anywhere with him so he moves around the car and comes my way, at this point my weapon is drawn and at my side, I'm yelling to the guy saying it was an accident and that we didn't want to shoot him, we just wanted him to go away. He then goes into his vehicle and reaches for something, this had me especially scared because of his threats to shoot and kill us, so I brought my gun to a low ready, and my friend did the same. He pulls a phone out, which was a relief, the last thing I wanted to do was get into a shootout on an open and busy highway. He starts recording telling us to "say hi to youtube!" and going on about how we're "pussies" because we wouldn't fight him. I'm not sure what he even wanted to do that for, me and my friend aren't small people, like I said, he was just off of his rocker. I turned back and seen a motorist who was in her vehicle about 50 feet back and screamed for her to call 911. I guess he decided that was the end of his fun so he gets back in his vehicle and speeds off, only to hit a stop light at the end of the ramp. We get back in and decide to drive directly to the police station, we were so amped up we had completley forgotten about calling 911, or at least finding out phones. We ended up at the same light in a different lane, and this guy decides to step out one more time. This time hes doing some stupid dance throwing up finger guns like you'd see a little kid playing cowboy do, then starts pointing at his arms and mocking us in the most childish way possible. After we were free of the light we realized we had no idea where the PD was in relation to us so we pulled into a McDonalds parking lot to try and find our phones. Luckily, the motorist I asked to call 911 had done exactly that, and followed us to McDonalds, and handed her phone to us. I was so full of this adrenaline dump that I was shaking too much to stand in one spot, so I leaned up against the car and just stood there shaking. When the police responded, they took our information and didn't give us any hastle about our guns, the lead officer actually told us we "have a right to defend ourselves" and that we did good, we gave them a plate number, and they found him in their system for a few traffic violations and one case of assault, but I was told they basically weren't going to do anything about it. Either way, yesterday was the craziest day of my life, and Ihave a whole new respect for police officers in terms of having to make a judgment call, when that guy reached into his vehicle, I was almost certain he was going for a gun.I'm just incredibly greatful it didn't end that way, I don't know where my mind would be if I was forced to shoot him. via /r/CCW

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