Saturday, April 27, 2019

Help deciding on my first carry gun, but had a discouraging experience at gun store today

Hello,Long time lurker, first-time poster. I am in the market for my first CCW gun, I just got my Ohio CCW last week, and I had a fairly discouraging experience today across multiple stores. I stopped by my local Cabellas, I was actually in there for another reason, but I figure I'd stop by their gun counter to look and I couldn't even get a clerk to talk to.I drove down the street to one of the local gun shops in my area, and one of the clerks pulled me aside and asked me why I was there and I explained to him that I was in the market for my first CCW gun, but at the moment I wanted to restrict myself to vehicle carry because I'm working on my masters degree and that I have to drive through a really bad area to get to my university and I don't feel safe, and I wanted to wait until I got more comfortable with carrying everywhere. So to start out I'd be carrying in my vehicle and the gun would be going in a lockbox in my locked vehicle upon reaching the campus. And that is when the guy really started to discourage me,​He started off by trying to sell me a full size because I said vehicle carry, I eventually want to feel comfortable enough to carry everywhere, but I don't have the money since I'm paying for school to buy a gun whenever I want to. I had been looking at the S&W M&P Compact 9mm, and he was trying to upsell me the full size. Then I asked about a Walther PPS M2 and said he didn't have any in stock and took me over to the Glocks and was trying to sell me on them, and then proceeded to make a quip about if I'm only going to carry in my vehicle to start I should just get a can of mace if I'm not going to carry everywhere. So I just said thanks but no thanks and walked out.I've been doing a lot of research over the last few weeks and I've narrowed down my list toS&W M&P Compact 9mmWalther PPS M2 9mm​Would either of those guns be a good and reliable first purchase? I'm not opposed to other brands, but I've been consistently pointed in the direction of those two. I have reasonable firearm experience, but I've never owned and just went with friends, and I'm trying to put a good amount of thought into this.Thanks! via /r/CCW

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