Saturday, April 27, 2019

Did my neighbor handle this well?

Yesterday, my 65 year old neighbor noticed a “youth” (we’ll call him millennial #1) sitting in the sidewalk in front of his house. After millennial #1 had been there for an hour, my neighbor went outside for a conversation. Millennial #1 gave an obviously BS story about living in the neighborhood. My neighbor politely suggests that he find another place to sit. At this point millennial #2 arrives and gets right up in my neighbor’s face - speaking very aggressively. My neighbor takes two steps back and unsnaps the retention strap on his OWB holster, briefly revealing his 1911. Millennials 1 & 2 throw up their hands, say “whoa man, we’re not armed” and run off. When the sheriff arrived, he told my neighbor that he should not have confronted the man, as there is nothing illegal about sitting on the sidewalk. Did my neighbor handle this well? I am undecided. It is always better to avoid confrontation but the situation seemed a bit odd. We live in sleepy suburbia. It is common to see kids hanging out on the sidewalk for hours at a time but not adults. I think he should have called the sheriff’s non-emergency line instead of going outside - but would they have actually come out for something like that? via /r/CCW

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