Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The MA Non-Resident LTC Application and Renewal Guide

MA Non-Resident LTC Application ProcessHello /r/CCW, I originally made this post about a year ago and posted it in /r/MAguns in response to /u/doubtwalker 's post.I recently completed the renewal process and edited my post there to outline my experience MA Non-Resident LTC application and renewal process and hopefully help others who may be seeking guidance on the process since most of the information out there is 4+ years old.For consistency with /u/doubtwalker 's previous post I am a 30 year old male, who moved to TN from NH approx 8 months ago, frequent MA for friends, family, and conferences, have an advanced education degree, and received a MA Non-Resident Unrestricted LTC.The Application ProcessStep 1: If you don't want to waste time do these 2 things at the same time.Take a MA Firearms Safety Course- I took mine at MA Firearms School in Holliston. I liked the course and would recommend them. There are plenty of options to satisfy this requirement.Request a home state background check/ criminal history record- do not pass go if you are a prohibited person.Step 2: Print out this (pdf warning) application and fill it out. Make sure to fill out all of the parts and include all the required material.Easy things to forget include: The check must be bank/post office money order or certified check. You need to include a self addressed stamped envelope in which they will return your LTC.Send in copies of your certificates rather than the originals.Protip make the order organized- even though I did my application got returned because they stated I was missing a part (which was in the application but missed). For anyone wondering the certified check was returned to me at this point and I sent it back in- they did not cash the check yet.Include a letter justifying your reason for wanting an unrestricted license if you want one. I did even though everyone told me it was next to impossible to get one- and I managed to get an unrestricted license. PM me for questions regarding the letter or use google. There are a million different answers as to what to include not to include and I'm not sure what is best- just what worked for me. As a note: I do not fall into the typical "business owner, large sums of cash, frequent high crime areas of justification".Step 3: Mail that sucker in and wait.Step 4: Receive an email confirmation of the receipt of your application along with an interview date and time that you need to appear in Chelsea, MA. It took ~2 weeks to receive the email, and my appointment time was ~2 weeks from the date of the email- NOTE YMMV. There is NOT a lot of wiggle room to take off from work (date was mid-week and time was mid afternoon) so figure out how to be flexible.Text from email "Appointments are scheduled on the earliest possible date. If you cannot appear on the given date/time, you may request a new appointment date; however, changing your appointment date will result in a significant delay in the processing of your license. Failure to appear at your appointment without notice will result in a denial of your license application."Step 5: Confirm the appointment. The email you receive says to call or email. I emailed and did not hear back from them so 5 days later I called. Thankfully I called because they had no record of my email on file.Step 6: Show up to the appointment.All instructions are noted in the email about the appointment including parking. Of note traffic can get bad around that exit so plan ahead. Additionally, you cannot bring firearms (which as a non-resident you shouldn't be anyway) or knives into the building and the parking lot is a little sketchy so leave it at home.The interview is not what you think it's going to be. It is informal- there is no panel, board, or formal interview. I met with an extremely friendly gentleman who took my photograph, fingerprints, and reviewed verbally all parts of my application. This took about 20 minutes.There is no discussion of restrictions at this time nor did he do more than glance at my letter for my request for an unrestricted LTC. For more information on what I did/ didn't include PM me. There are a ton of varying opinions and I can only say what worked for me. I asked him about restrictions and he said that is determined later on and is out of his hands.Step 7: Wait, then wait, then wait some more. Once you're done waiting, call and check on the status- get a vague answer, and then keep waiting. No you will likely not get it in the 40 days they're supposed to take. No- it does not mean you were not approved even though GOAL states you should start a petition as you can assumed you've been denied. They're just slow. (reddit link to internal audit report by town). Here is the outline of the process for MA Residents as outlined by GOAL [PDF warning].( 8: Receive Non-resident LTC in mail when you least expect it and have given up. Shoutout to /r/NFA bless your souls for waiting as long as you do.Total # of days from application mailed to LTC at doorstep: 132 days Total # of days from appointment to LTC: 104 days; again YMMVResult: Unrestricted MA Non-Resident LTCThings of note:In my letter of justification I did include 3 references (name, address, phone) of a MA State Police Officer (with badge number and barrack information), a family member, and a MA resident. None were contacted. All additional firearms training/ safety I had completed was documented in the letter in addition to reason for requesting an unrestricted permit.1 week before it arrived I called to request an update and was told my permit had been mailed out 2 weeks prior to the date I was calling. After shitting my pants that it was lost and contacting the mail carrier (to no avail) I waited another week just to be sure before letting them know I never received it. The waiting paid off because it showed up- the date it was issued was 2 weeks after (early Oct) the date the person told me it was issued and mailed (mid sept) and the postmark confirmed this (early Oct).As a completely unsubstantiated guess that I'm pulling out of my ass- it seems like they might do things in batches as my buddies mom just received her MA Resident LTC unrestricted the same day I did. Sample size n=1.Renewal Process: The renewal process was painless and painful all at the same time.Step 1: Don't fuck around! Get that renewal process started way sooner than you think if you don't want a lapse in your ability to carry.Step 2: Use this (PDF warning) form for the renewal. Make sure to provide all of the required components, depending on your situation and location items 3,4,5 and 7 may not apply to you. Include your request for an unrestricted LTC if applicable.Note: As I had moved to a different state, I also included a photocopy of the certified mail receipt as "proof" that I had complied with this rule, "NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS REQUIREMENT: FAILURE BY A HOLDER OF A LTC TO NOTIFY THIS OFFICE OF ANY CHANGE IN HIS/HER ADDRESS, BY CERTIFIED MAIL, WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF ITS OCCURRENCE MAY RESULT IN REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION."Step 3: Mail it in! If this is your first time renewing like me, everything is done by mail, until your 6th year at which point a second in person interview is required.Step 4: Is exactly the same as step #7 above: Wait, then wait, and then wait some more. I mailed in my application a little late- Early August for a mid October expiration date and that was a huge mistake. The 90 day window that they ask for processing is much longer. At about the mid-October mark I called to confirm they had received my application, and at about the early December mark I called to check on the status of the application, to which they responded "it's processing and may take a few weeks". I started to get a little frustrated because I was concerned I'd get my license at some point and it would be backdated to Oct- and I would only have like 8 months before I had to renew again.Step 5: When you've finally decided that you will never renew again because the whole process is crap your license will finally show up. The license was received 1/20/19 with a printed renewal date of 1/17/19 so it looks like I'm good to go until Jan of 2020. At least they were kind enough to print it with a full years worth of ability to carry. While it did not affect my application the only downfall was from Oct to Jan I was unlicensed to carry in MA.Total # of days from application for renewal mailed to LTC at doorstep: 168 daysResult: Unrestricted MA Non-Resident LTCHope this helps! PM with any questions/ comments/ concerns. via /r/CCW

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