Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Saturday Night, Packed Bus, Disturbed and Violent Passenger

Here's the situation that prompted me to get a license to carry:My wife and I are on seated about halfway back on a regional bus that is so packed it is standing room only all the way to the front. I'm at the window and she's on the aisle. As soon as the bus leaves the station, a mentally disturbed man starts pushing his way to the front of the bus and makes a scene. He starts shouting, banging on the overhead luggage carriers, and making verbal threats such as "this is why 9/11 happened." He also loudly suggests that he has a bomb in his backpack, which he left at the back of the bus (mentally I guess that is not a credible threat, given his presentation). I switch places with my wife so I'm on the aisle now. Unfortunately we're about 10 minutes away from the next stop and on the express lanes on the interstate so there is nowhere for the bus driver to stop. I do notice the bus driver is on the radio, presumably calling for police assistance at the next stop.After five more tense minutes or so, there is a scuffle and from what I was able to discern, the man threw some punches and was ultimately restrained by a couple of passengers until we arrived at the stop. (Hooray for them!)He disembarked and about 90 seconds passed until the police showed up and arrested him.So even if I had been armed, several more things would have had to happen before drawing was a consideration. First, he would have had to been armed with some kind of deadly weapon and using it against people. Next, there would have had to be nobody in the aisle between him and me, and nobody running away from him towards me. Third, of course, that there would have had to be a clear shot and nobody behind him (only the driver who was seated down and to the left). All of this was running through my head at the time.Still, this was uncomfortably close to being a lethal encounter. Stuck in a crowded, enclosed space with very little cover and no means of escape was a pretty crappy situation.In that hypothetical situation (of him being armed), what would you do? via /r/CCW http://bit.ly/2Gb0Q9J

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