Thursday, January 24, 2019

Best type of shot

A friend/coworker started to show interest in shooting and eventually learning how to shoot, I’m a brass tax kind of person and I tell her the 1 cold hard fact about defensive carry “if you need to defend your self you shoot to kill, don’t shoot to injure shoot to kill” some what appalled by this she asked me why and I explained to her that 1)injuring may not stop a threat and the threat can still charge you 2) there can be legal ramifications for injuring over killingThis is where I fell short on my explanation of why, I do not have any good examples or can not sight any court cases where some one who was legitimately defending them selves, injured a bad guy then taken to court (whether they won or lost) for that injuryAny one here have some good cases they know of I could use for future conversation? Talking cold hard clear cut cases via /r/CCW

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