Thursday, May 3, 2018

The suspect in the recent planned mass shooting was more concerned about CCWers than the police.

I realize this is a little bit off topic for this sub, but I thought it was some pretty important information. I'm not sure if people were aware but just the other day police in Dallas arrested an individual who was in the late planning stages for a mass shooting at the local mall. Apparently he was inspired by the Islamic State, and strongly desired to commit his own terrorist attack.Aside from the fact that he said some extremely strange things to the police, some very interesting information can be pulled from the arrest affidavit.Apparently the suspect and an undercover officer, who initially discovered the plot, were discussing things like location and target selection.They discussed the "possibility that patrons in the mall could be carrying concealed weapons, and could draw those weapons when the operations begins"To which the suspect says he didn't think a police officer would "try and take us on" and noted the Parkland, Florida shooing and says the security officer at the school "ran outside...a lot of people are mad at him"I'm sure this kind of thinking won't be shocking to a lot of people here, considering that most of us know that the overwhelming majority of mass shootings take place in gun-free zones (80-90%), and that the police were rarely if ever be there in time to make a difference. But I found it very interesting how an actual attacker, especially one so young, would so directly articulate that to someone, and how they can be influenced by an event that occurred just a couple months ago (Browsed county shooting an police response). I think it just goes to show that if a 17 year old college student can recognize this, it's pretty hard for anti-gun activists to keep pushing the line that murderers aren't actively looking for soft targets. via /r/CCW

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