Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Had an LEO interaction while carrying in IL

A few weeks ago I was traveling for work, driving 1800 miles across seven states. I flew down south with my sidearm checked and drove back home, visiting customers on the way back. Illinois was the only state I'd cross that doesn't reciprocate my CCW, but I knew I could still carry in the car. All those miles of obeying the rules of the road, then an IL unmarked LEO showed up. Here's what happened.1) I was adhering to the speed limit, but I was in a rental car with plates from the other side of the country, so the only reason he had to pull out of the median was if he profiled my vehicle.2) I was following a semi, and the LEO pulled between us and slowed down to 5 below the limit.3) I used my blinker, passed both the LEO and the semi, then returned to the right lane at a safe distance.4) He quickly pulled me over, saying I didn't signal for at least 200 feet before returning to the right lane. He baited me so he could pull me over. Plain and simple.I was nervous. I'd never been pulled over while carrying, and IL is the a scary place to carry, for me at least. He grilled me, I gave him my license and volunteered my CCW permit, and he and his plain clothes partner spent 10 minutes trying to figure out why a driver from Nebraska was in a car with Nevada plates that he picked up in Birmingham, and was now in IL. It was humorous to watch them in my rear-view mirror.When he came back, he was very cordial. Even gave me a few ideas of where to safely store my weapon while I was at the Cardinals game. Although I didn't like his tactics in the way he pulled me over to initiate conversation, he was professional, thorough, and helpful once it began.Thought my experience might be helpful to someone. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2rtME3I

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