Friday, August 16, 2024

Untrained defense hypothetical

Maybe not the best sub to ask but I was at a bar the other day and a dude sucker punched my friend. He was weak and we kinda just held him until the place kicked him out blah blah blah all good. It got me thinking tho. I'm untrained in any form of fighting and fairly uninterested in it. However, I'm a pretty damn strong guy. If I was alone and got punched by a random dude and wanted to fight back, what's the reasonable strategy? This is mostly just hypothetical as I really don't plan to be in a position to get in a fight randomly, but I'm curious what you guys think. Just a shot to the gut or solar plexus? Does it make more sense to go for a takedown to get an advantageous position (I'm assuming the guy isn't some BJJ pro). Also worth mentioning in this hypothetical I'm not trying to kill the guy, just make him stop attacking me or anyone else.

Submitted August 16, 2024 at 01:16PM by SnooHobbies5811

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