Thursday, August 15, 2024

26F had a gun pulled on me while I was in my car. Gaslit by friend

It was about 10pm, I had just drove home and parked at the apartment complex we both live at (separate apartments), I sat in my car for about 20 seconds and a tweaker dude about 15-20ft from the back of my car yelled FUCK and I started locking my doors, rolling up my windows. He came straight to my drivers side and was facing me, about 5” from my car for about 1-3 seconds. he was pulling a gun out of his belt and I remember seeing the body language of his hand and arm that was his dominant hand, and I am taking no chances but to flee. I FLOORED IT like SpongeBob in boating school. This dude was also fully in black with a black hood on. I’ve seen too many stories where not only the car gets jacked but the female or male is held hostage and I’d honestly rather die fleeing than surrender.

Anyway, it was black and metallic/shiny, I have trained with guns and am a certified martial artist also. Anyway, I took my friend to a bjj class and we pulled up to the spot where it happened and I went “oh that’s where it happened!” And she says, “it probably wasn’t a real gun” and “he probably wasn’t trying to jack your car”.

……. I just want to hear from you gun expert men why this is an insane remark. I broke my lease over this btw right after, and the night before it happened I was actually watching gun safety videos. Also, if you guys have any video recommendations for car self defense, I will watch them. Car gun self defense seems very complex. Thank you!! So glad btw we have these amazing communities

Submitted August 16, 2024 at 12:28AM by Aardvark_567

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