Sunday, August 18, 2024

How do you deal with a very creepy individual?

There's a person who shows up at my church and is extremely creepy. He's a churner aka churns between being homeless and housed. However, he set's off big, gigantic red flags. He comes up to me and will DEMAND I help him with his phone, will not leave me alone, and today he waited outside of our fellowship hall to apologize about his interactions. Mind you, this guy is a felon, has a major TBI, and has threatened buildings.

The thing about this is that I have ASD which can make it hard for me to recognize bad situations, but I can feel a knot in my stomach and I want to vomit when he comes up to me.

Next time should I call the cops and have him removed, do what I am doing which is avoid confrontation and just "take a phone call from my brother" or bring my big, gigantic dog that is hyper protective? He's so creepy, I am thinking about going and getting gun training and to buy one - and if I get my next job I'll be on the road a lot. I already carry a high voltage taser, but I would rather not get up close and personal in regard to anything. Obviously, violence is the option as I would retreat to a safe area first, such as our church's safe room or bathroom. The one thing is, I am in a state with absolute stand your ground. If you feel threatened in my state, they tend to be very relaxed if it comes to it.

Submitted August 18, 2024 at 12:29PM by CooperHChurch427

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