Saturday, August 31, 2024

I want to discuss a situation I was in last night.

It was Friday night, at my friends apartment, and me and my friend were drinking quite a bit and decided to go walk to the bar on campus. As we were going downstairs, there was an apartment being quite loud. I made a remark like “wow they’re being really loud” and my friend decided it was a good idea to bang on their door when I wasn’t looking.

When I heard it, I ran downstairs and around the corner. My friend decided to walk nice and slow for no good reason. Six people, four dudes and two girls came out of the apartment and surrounded my friend. At this point they didn’t see me, but I didn’t want to leave my friend to deal with it alone so I go over there.

As soon as I approached them, one of the guys instantly does the stereotypical chest to chest push to me. As this was happening we were still walking (but slower) towards the bar. Im trying to deescalate the situation and not showing any signs of aggression. But they kept insulting and literally screaming at my friend and I. They were saying “white ass bitch” and telling us to “keep walking”. At one point the guy shoves me into another guy and they got wayyy angrier about it. They were also waving their hands in our face. Eventually the biggest guy (at least 6”3) corals them away from us and we kept walking to the bar.

I understand that I did the right thing: I had a choice to get away from a fight and I did just that. I also understand that it was really stupid for my friend to bang on someones door. I wouldn’t have done that. But the reason for this post is I feel like a complete bitch for not getting physical or insulting. Im having troubles getting over that feeling.

Submitted August 31, 2024 at 04:17PM by UserUnkown8

Does sex matter in a physical altercation?

I have heard dozens of times that due to physical differences between a man and a woman the chanches are low that a woman can subdue a man. Even advises to wome were given like "Do not fight back, it may escalate the situation" in earlier times. I am also worried that a woman is capable to stop an attacker, let it be in self-defense situation or to help anybody other by physically intervening in an attack. Also I have worries that women can sucessfully detain a suspect in certain context either in civilian arrest or in law enforcement/security contexts. Is it really a matter of sex and that women are a weak sex?

Submitted August 31, 2024 at 10:55AM by Linkrid

Friday, August 30, 2024

Disabled Self Defense - golf club

Submitted August 30, 2024 at 09:51PM by Rose-Thrives

How to counter groin locks?

This seems like an OP technique. Any counters that won't sacrifice your fertility?

Submitted August 30, 2024 at 01:13PM by Glass_Government_376

What to look for in pepper spray?

After careful deliberation, I came to the conclusion that pepper spray is a must have tool. It allows for incapacitation of an attacker with less harm than empty hands or any other weapon.

I am overwhelmed by the offering. What metrics to look for?

Submitted August 30, 2024 at 03:08AM by No_Classic3988

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Is this a hidden camera?

Submitted August 29, 2024 at 07:53PM by Ok_Hair_4232

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Self-defense Pen

Submitted August 28, 2024 at 10:00AM by The_AntiVillain

Looking for knee guards and shin guards

So a few years ago someone attacked me and tried to mug me he wasn't able to steal anything but he eventually ran off, but he got me on the concrete, and I suck at lower body defense but great at upper body defense, though how he got the upper hand he was after my phone so I had to hold on to it so a tactical disadvantage and yes I know in the future I will have to learn lower body defense and get a hands free case for my phone, but right now I am just wanting to know some knee guards and shin guards that can protect against concrete impact ideally the cheapest option for what I need

Submitted August 28, 2024 at 07:24AM by betazion100

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

self-defense for children

my baby sister just turned 10 and started the 5th grade. she faced bullying last year and was scared to start school today. she is not violent at all, very soft spoken and sweet but she has to defend herself. does anyone have any recommendations on what type of self-defense method might be best? this is because she was physically bullied and i think that everyone should learn to defend themself at a young age. i want to get her into classes asap. she did a couple of taekwando classes over the summer but i don’t know if it would be best. if anyone has any recommendation or advice i’d appreciate it so much!! thanks!

Submitted August 27, 2024 at 10:47PM by holy-hel

Batonior! Does anyone have any experience?

I've been looking for a spring loaded baton for awhile now but most of the ones I've found are made by companies that seem pretty sketchy and the build quality leaves alot to be desired. This isn't a real issue with the telescoping batons you open by flicking with the wrist but you really, really don't want a spring loaded one opening up in your pocket!

The good quality ones that I've found are much too expensive for me, $2-$300+, but then I came upon Batonior. I've watched several videos and read a bunch of reviews but I'd really like to hear from someone who has really used one. (I don't know enough about this stuff to know which reviews might be paid for).

 I'm specifically interested in the 511auto Asp 

 I couldn't find a sub for self defense weapons so I hope posting this here is ok

Submitted August 27, 2024 at 10:59PM by Socialfilterdvit

I live in a UK town which has moderate levels of knife crime

Hi I have started feeling very unsafe and would like to know how to defend against a group of people that carry knifes they usually travel in groups of 2,3,4 as they are cowards I have been jumped before when I was 14 and it traumatized me so any help would be appreciated

Submitted August 27, 2024 at 12:57AM by Fun-Percentage6229

Monday, August 26, 2024

What to do if you are ripped out of your car?

The other day I was assaulted by a mob. I was the passenger in a vehicle. Some people were banging on the car windows and windshield, and my husband put the car into park to call 911, but this automatically unlocked my door. I think I was wearing my seatbelt. Someone opened my door and 3 people ripped me from the car, and then 3 more people came and all 6 were beating me.

I have never felt so weak and small in my life. What could I have done?

Submitted August 26, 2024 at 09:17AM by plumbobbyhill

Friday, August 23, 2024

give me some advice

i am new here and i don't know anything and i wanna learn and i wannna know if it's hard or easy and what to do and like this and thank you

Submitted August 23, 2024 at 08:02PM by axa_r

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Feedback Needed: Interactive Self-Defense Game with Pressure Testing

Hey folks,

I’m developing a self-defense business and would appreciate your thoughts. The concept is a studio offering self-defense games that include pressure testing and real-life scenarios. Here’s the gist:

  • Setup: Small studio with heavy bags, mitts, and role-playing elements.
  • Scenarios:
    • Round 1: Social Gathering: Handling aggression at events.
    • Round 2: Service Interaction: Managing difficult customers.
    • Round 3: Family Conflict: Navigating family disputes.
    • Round 4: Workplace: Confronting aggressive colleagues.
    • Round 5: Public Confrontation: Dealing with aggression in public.
    • Round 6: Refine & Revisit: Revisiting and refining skills in various scenarios. (Group's choice by vote)

Pressure Testing: Includes optional physical elements like controlled interactions with staff and practice with wrestling dummies, focusing on safety and technique.


  1. How effective do you think these scenarios are for real-world self-defense training?
  2. Any suggestions for ensuring the physical pressure testing is safe and beneficial?
  3. What are your thoughts on integrating physical and interactive elements in training?

Looking forward to your feedback!

Submitted August 22, 2024 at 11:09PM by Boxing_Posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

any self defence tips?

I’m 20f who lives in the UK, and i’m just feeling increasingly unsafe walking around. For whatever reason it’s illegal to carry anything to defend myself in this country, so does anyone have any tips on what I can do?

Submitted August 21, 2024 at 04:24AM by baabbbyyyy

How to defend against spears?

I live in a South East Asian country where there are a lot of young adults in bike gangs running around terrorizing people with spears around the cities centers at night.

The spears they use are basically knives welded onto the tip of a long metal pipe. I guess you could call them some sort of lance calvary (definitely not as chivalrous of course).

Obviously running away is still the best option but I don't think I can outrun dudes on bikes with big poking metal sticks. Is there any thing I can do to defend myself if the worst scenario happens and I can't run away?

I'm sorry if this seems like a ridiculous question (and the bad English). I appreciate your help.

Submitted August 21, 2024 at 03:22AM by MorseShoes

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Question about self defense

So reasonable use of lethal force requires the person to be in fear for their life most of the time. So if I don’t fear for my life but can’t defend myself that well, what do I do? Am I just screwed?

Submitted August 21, 2024 at 12:43AM by MedicineAggressive21

How do you defend yourself against someone that is too short to KO?

If someone really short is attacking you, how do you defend yourself? They’re too short to hit their jaw for a clean knockout to stop the threat

Submitted August 20, 2024 at 05:41AM by FuckkPTSD

Monday, August 19, 2024

Wild camping solo in Turkey for 1 month as a 27yo female

I have been thinking about self-defence stuff, and i think im good with the resources i have. I just want to double check if you guys find flaws in my thinking or if you can think something easy to add. Im thinking about buying a knife, once i get there, but it would suck to toss it everytime i plan on travelling via plane.

For moving around:

  • i carry sand in my fannypack in a tube. If i would get robbed: i would put my hands up, pretend to give him/her a wallet, but instead throwing coarse sand with chili pepper on attackers face and run away.

-i have heavy steel waterbottle that can 100% kill a man if being hit with it in the head. Will be carrying this with me.

  • i made a swing tool with heavy lock and fishing line (you basically cannot grap /see the fishing line when swinging) and if the attacker manages to grab it, the lock would still hit te attacker hand or other.

  • i have a rapewhisle that i always have (even in my sleep)

  • no flipflops, only shoes that i can run with them.


If possible, i'll do a trip wire around my sleeping area with bells -> attacker falls + bells ring -> i wake up, i whisle and get the heck out.

I'll be sleeping in a hammock and inside mosquito net, i'll hang a cutter (the kind you use to open packages) on my net, so i can just rip open the net for easy exit.

And of course: i won't look like a tourist or a camper. I'm a minimalist camper so i'm carrying everything inside normal-looking school backpack. I also practice basic; don't go to sckethy places or travel during the night or draw attentition to me.


Submitted August 20, 2024 at 01:58AM by pinjaksi

Thoughts on dual wielding pepper spray and knife

I dont have a gun and i hike/walk my dog a lot at night and i often encounter homeless people and stuff like that. Right now i just bring pepper spray and a knife. I feel like this is a pretty good deterrent against anything that isn't a gun. My idea is that i would just use pepper spray against any threats initially and if somehow that doesnt stop them i would resort to my knife. They are both concealed on me. I feel like this is the best i can do until i get a ccw. what do you think

Submitted August 19, 2024 at 11:49PM by Possible_Pudding_439

Sunday, August 18, 2024

How do you deal with a very creepy individual?

There's a person who shows up at my church and is extremely creepy. He's a churner aka churns between being homeless and housed. However, he set's off big, gigantic red flags. He comes up to me and will DEMAND I help him with his phone, will not leave me alone, and today he waited outside of our fellowship hall to apologize about his interactions. Mind you, this guy is a felon, has a major TBI, and has threatened buildings.

The thing about this is that I have ASD which can make it hard for me to recognize bad situations, but I can feel a knot in my stomach and I want to vomit when he comes up to me.

Next time should I call the cops and have him removed, do what I am doing which is avoid confrontation and just "take a phone call from my brother" or bring my big, gigantic dog that is hyper protective? He's so creepy, I am thinking about going and getting gun training and to buy one - and if I get my next job I'll be on the road a lot. I already carry a high voltage taser, but I would rather not get up close and personal in regard to anything. Obviously, violence is the option as I would retreat to a safe area first, such as our church's safe room or bathroom. The one thing is, I am in a state with absolute stand your ground. If you feel threatened in my state, they tend to be very relaxed if it comes to it.

Submitted August 18, 2024 at 12:29PM by CooperHChurch427

Saturday, August 17, 2024

How useful would muay thai/bjj based MMA program be for self defense?

I want to learn how to defend myself and feel that MMA is the best option given that it teaches you how to strike and grapple. But all of the local MMA schools are muay thai/bjj based, none offer boxing/wrestling. How useful would muay thai and bjj be in a self defense setting? Would I be better off taking boxing and bjj classes separately?

Submitted August 17, 2024 at 05:59PM by moviessoccerbeer

how well would a baseball bat work against a home intruder?

i’ve been thinking about what i would do in a situation where someone could be wielding a weapon like a knife or something. i believe my best bet for something to defend myself would be my baseball bat. for those who play baseball it is a drop 5 marucci cat 9. obviously it would hurt to be hit with a baseball bat, but would it kill them, incapacitate or even delay them?

Submitted August 17, 2024 at 04:44PM by chezballer

Friday, August 16, 2024

Untrained defense hypothetical

Maybe not the best sub to ask but I was at a bar the other day and a dude sucker punched my friend. He was weak and we kinda just held him until the place kicked him out blah blah blah all good. It got me thinking tho. I'm untrained in any form of fighting and fairly uninterested in it. However, I'm a pretty damn strong guy. If I was alone and got punched by a random dude and wanted to fight back, what's the reasonable strategy? This is mostly just hypothetical as I really don't plan to be in a position to get in a fight randomly, but I'm curious what you guys think. Just a shot to the gut or solar plexus? Does it make more sense to go for a takedown to get an advantageous position (I'm assuming the guy isn't some BJJ pro). Also worth mentioning in this hypothetical I'm not trying to kill the guy, just make him stop attacking me or anyone else.

Submitted August 16, 2024 at 01:16PM by SnooHobbies5811

self defense in the backseat of a car

Recently in a nearby town, there was an incident where a girl was in the backseat of an e-hailing vehicle. The driver was attempting to abduct the girl but she escaped by jumping out of the moving vehicle. What if the driver had locked the door before she could escape? If I were in such a situation, what could I do?

Submitted August 16, 2024 at 02:23AM by Dry-Scarcity3184

Thursday, August 15, 2024

26F had a gun pulled on me while I was in my car. Gaslit by friend

It was about 10pm, I had just drove home and parked at the apartment complex we both live at (separate apartments), I sat in my car for about 20 seconds and a tweaker dude about 15-20ft from the back of my car yelled FUCK and I started locking my doors, rolling up my windows. He came straight to my drivers side and was facing me, about 5” from my car for about 1-3 seconds. he was pulling a gun out of his belt and I remember seeing the body language of his hand and arm that was his dominant hand, and I am taking no chances but to flee. I FLOORED IT like SpongeBob in boating school. This dude was also fully in black with a black hood on. I’ve seen too many stories where not only the car gets jacked but the female or male is held hostage and I’d honestly rather die fleeing than surrender.

Anyway, it was black and metallic/shiny, I have trained with guns and am a certified martial artist also. Anyway, I took my friend to a bjj class and we pulled up to the spot where it happened and I went “oh that’s where it happened!” And she says, “it probably wasn’t a real gun” and “he probably wasn’t trying to jack your car”.

……. I just want to hear from you gun expert men why this is an insane remark. I broke my lease over this btw right after, and the night before it happened I was actually watching gun safety videos. Also, if you guys have any video recommendations for car self defense, I will watch them. Car gun self defense seems very complex. Thank you!! So glad btw we have these amazing communities

Submitted August 16, 2024 at 12:28AM by Aardvark_567

Self defense in Ca.

So I live in California. I’m in an okay neighborhood in a pretty bad town. I go out at night a lot, rucking, walking my dogs and just going for walks. Usually I feel relatively safe.

Had an incident a couple of days ago where I’m sure a guy was considering attacking me. I think the only reason he didn’t was my posture, eye-contact, tone of voice, etc.

It occurred to me that I had nothing on me with which to defend myself, and I’d rather not have that happen again.

Any thoughts or experience with less lethal tools for everyday carry? Stuff I might be able to have in Ca? I was thinking of getting a flashlight, potentially.

For context I’m a decent sized guy, experienced in martial arts and good at fighting.

Submitted August 15, 2024 at 10:17AM by Gmork14

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Self Defense Phone

Hello, I am looking for a phone or phone case which I can use for self defense as I live in a dangerous area. A rugged or metal phone would work to scare off someone. Even a metal case for any phone with boxy corners would work. Thank you very much!

Submitted August 15, 2024 at 01:45AM by SirDucking

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What is the most effective/ highest hpe airgun for self defense?

Please don’t say get a ‘real gun’. I’m not a felon. It’s a long story and it’s almost certainly not for any reason you think.

I live and work at an RV Park/campground and have an interest and need to protect my home and property. Looking for experienced users of high powered pcp/co2 air pistols and compact rifles to make suggestions. Thanks.

Submitted August 13, 2024 at 09:13PM by VelvetHabit

How can I get over the freeze state when assaulted ,arm grabbed

Female here ,had a handful oh experiences of physical abuse. I think it's the shock/being unprepared,and that they were taller ,bigger stronger . Verbally I have no issue "fighting " back , physically is a different story .

Also how do I defend myself from arm being heavily grabbed and pushed,

Submitted August 13, 2024 at 03:00PM by Odd-Fortune6021

Advice Needed- Was Followed

Hello everyone, I had got followed and I thankfully lost them. I am traumatized for sure and don't even want to take the trash out. I filed a police report but this is just a reminder to all of you that as it gets darker please be careful!! I didn't leave my car at all until I got to the police station. I see a therapist tomorrow.

Submitted August 13, 2024 at 02:30AM by Background_Mistake76

Monday, August 12, 2024

Self-Defense Flashlight

Could Flashlights potentially be a self-defense "weapon"? They can temporarily blind and disorient the target, getting him exposed or just simply, for fleeing. How bright would it need to be for it to become an effective defense tool? 😺

Submitted August 12, 2024 at 07:24PM by Nugget-Chan

Sunday, August 11, 2024

What are some basic self defense things to learn and must know ?

Growing up did some karate classes but completely forget all about that in adulthood. Personally don’t like to get in fights or arguments but self defense is something that’s just feels important to know and few techniques could always be in handy. It’s crazy how some people are verbally so well spoken. By their aura and energy people sometimes want to avoid getting into an alteraction.

Submitted August 11, 2024 at 06:22PM by Jpoolman25

Self Defense from big dog pack in rural areas

I live in rural place and for 2 km walk there are no neighbors to yell for help if any stray dog pack attack me. How can I defend myself aside having a pepper spray? But even with pepper spray will I react quickly enough? I have myself dogs and know how fast and agile they are. Its scary. Having walking sticks with me or big umbrella can help deter an attack? Sprinkling water (water gun) long distance (but with limitation of how much water I can pour on the dog). What else can I do? I dont want to harm the dogs just letting them know I am not an easy target to bite.

Submitted August 11, 2024 at 03:58PM by smoothiyyy

Mace Personal Alarm will NOT stop going off!!

Submitted August 11, 2024 at 07:53AM by Lil_Sprout_87

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Best form of self defense for a skinny dude?

I’m a 22 year old male and I’ve always been skinny and I’ve tried so hard to change that by bulking but my metabolism is insanely fast and I just can’t seem to gain weight. Would learning self defense even help? Or is it just hopeless because I’m skinny. If it does help, what is the best form to learn??

Submitted August 11, 2024 at 01:24AM by Yeauhuhuh

Witnessed harassment on a train and I helped, but need advice.

Is there anybody who knows a lot about self-protection and or self-defense who would be willing to have a chat, DMs ideally? Maybe somebody who teaches it especially if it's to do with women's safety? Recently I witnessed an assault and was able to intervene and help, but I feel the need for a debrief as I keep mulling over the situation. I am male, 46 yrs old.

Submitted August 10, 2024 at 12:26AM by Lake_Swimmer_78

Friday, August 9, 2024

Are pepper gels effective?

Specifically ones from sabre I see the home defense one and it seems good no blow back and it’s range and area coverage is huge I still don’t know if it’s effective though as well as their smaller versions for on the go maybe thinking of using their home defense version on the go at this point

Submitted August 09, 2024 at 08:22PM by Stopwafflingbro

Learning muay thai was a good decision

Im about 18, 5’8 and maybe i think 140. Growing up I’ve never learned how to fight, where i live we fight alot its just a regular thing and usually i can beat smaller guys but my stupid ass always went for the big set of guys like 6ft or 6’2, i even tried to fight a dickhead who was 6’7(i got the shit beat out of me). This summer i learned some Muay Thai at home and some wrestling but mainly Muay Thai and honestly i don’t want to glaze my willy and tickle my jewels or anything but practicing a combat sport is really important and this has opened my eyes. Most altercations you get with someone who’s big and most likely they cant fight or never practiced (if they do and your as small as me the best thing to do is calm the guy down) and if you know a little bit of something 8/10 times out of ten you’ll win the other two times you lose if you get body slammed. But a rear naked choke and a kick in the knee has worked so well for me bro. I think everyone should learn a combat sport as-well as track, cause if your walking with your girlfriend at night and like 3 people are trying to jump you i promise you can think you’re superman, but you’re not going to beat all 3 of them.This happened to me last week but i just used her as a backpack and ran,i dont even know why we were in that area so late. Im just saying learning these things are so fun and beneficial bro I’m just glad i learned something new.

Submitted August 09, 2024 at 05:28PM by Alot_of_Alligators

How effective is SSBD Silat in comparison to other martial arts

How effective is SSBD Silat, this form of Silat is taught mainly by an instructor called Maul Mornie, It seems to be very effective for most situations and covers pretty much everything, but is there other martial arts or martial art combinations that are more effective for self defense

Submitted August 09, 2024 at 03:44PM by Responsible-Bear-582

Stab proof vest that lasts

Im considering a stab proof vest (doesnt have to be bullet proof, if it is its or similary priced its a bonus ill take too), but rather not kevlar since it rots and just have a 7-8 year or so lifespan. If its worth the investment i want it to last for decades, i dont have to have it, but its a nice safety feature regarding all the knife crime here in europe which will only get worse. Is there such a thing, and who sells it?

Submitted August 09, 2024 at 01:32PM by saintacause

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Self-defense as a woman being strangled

I always see scenes in movies of a man on top of a woman strangling her. She can’t do anything because his arms are long and she’s flat on her back. Any advice besides play dead?

Submitted August 08, 2024 at 11:11AM by pakapakawoodchuck

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Best techniques to learn for new fighter?

Hey everyone. I recently applied to work in a local police department. I never really been in a fight aside a few encounters when I was a teenager. What are some good techniques/styles I should learn that could be useful? The city has several muay thai, karate, and boxing gyms.

Submitted August 07, 2024 at 09:01AM by Jratk71

Monday, August 5, 2024

Realistic knife defense that actually works. Try against resistance.

The video:

Obviously knife defense should only be tried as a last resort attempt and Your chances to die are extremely extremely High.

Check My older knife defense video for additional ideas, for example, dealing with the opponent's free hand aside from trying to knock it aside/ force your way through it (it has many more incomplete techniques):

This new video was made as a result of thinking about some of the problems which arose from the techniques shown at my older video. Mainly:
1) Not being able to catch the knife wielding arm against an equal opponent - Thus the Collar tie (Head tie).
2) Getting to the conclusion that It's hard to implement fast enough classic moves and submissions like Kimuras and Arm Bars against an equal opponent.

A video with many demonstrations of full 100% fights while wearing defensive equipment will be uploaded in the future.
Your critique and suggestions will be tested as well. Especially I'm looking for a solution against "Ice pick grip" stabs which are the most common during terror attacks in Israel. A solution which is hopefully better than what was shown at my older video. Maybe you'll find an inspiration for a solution at my older knife defense video and/or here.

Submitted August 05, 2024 at 06:32PM by Double-Theme-5015

What is the best form of self defense to learn

What is the best form of self defense to learn that doesn’t take years, I want to be able to defend myself without needing to spend years learning a martial art especially since one of my knees has been very badly injured, I want something practical that i can learn and do if I was ever attacked or robbed

Submitted August 05, 2024 at 03:02PM by Loving_Gay

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Scientific MMA Discord Server - We Dissect Every Aspect of MMA and Do

If you want to join, you're welcome to our MMA discord server

where we dissect every aspect of MMA, thai boxing, boxing, wrestling, bjj, etc.. and document everything in frameworks together, so we can collectively master MMA.

And so you don't have to go to different trainers to get all of the "secrets". and just drill things all day. You will be the expert.

We will go into all defence methods, offense methods, tactics, strategies, technique etc... in every aspect of all martial arts.

✅ Real research and data

✅ Access to courses information

✅ Experts and trainers

✅ Work together to solve common challenges

✅ Custom training plans

✅ Dedicated channels to each martial art

✅ A master database with all methods and secrets

We're in the beginning stages of the server, feel free to join and contribute.

Here is the link to join →

Submitted August 04, 2024 at 01:25PM by ScienceOfAchievement

Saturday, August 3, 2024

are there any weak points on the face and jaw?

I have a pretty strong grip strength, at about 190 lbs, and have utilized it for self defense before, but usually it's either by grabbing their face, jaw, neck, or shoulder and squeezing until they stop fighting me. Only problem is that it's kind of iffy. I'm curious about any points on the face and neck that are susceptible to crushing. I scarcely resort to punching and kicking, and when my grip doesn't work I just use takedown techniques. I'm not really able to find any points by searching google aside from obvious points like the chin that you can't really squeeze. I would think that things like the masseter would be effective but I'm not sure.

Submitted August 04, 2024 at 12:04AM by RealHentairanian

how do i become a self defense instructor

i want to teach other women how to protect themselves and go full force against a guy in those big self defense training suits

Submitted August 03, 2024 at 08:58PM by GirlWhoWantsToPlease

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Portable striking pad to train anywhere. Helpful for self-defense?

Submitted August 01, 2024 at 10:11PM by blobbiesfish

self defence tips

Hello! I (14M) am thinking about learning some sort of self defence or martial arts, only problem is that we live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest town is a good 45 minute drive. It isn't possible to join any classes so I'm wondering if it would be okay to learn online??? Another problem I have is that I'm fairly overweight and I'm not flexible. I can barely to the basics like climnbing a fence or doing a pushup. I'm looking into self defence not just for the defence side of it but also to lose weight if possible. Theres only karate in the nearest town and I am unable to drive anywhere and don''t have anyone that can actually drive me. Any advice and/or tips would be much appreciated. I also live in rural nsw/australia if that helps

Submitted August 01, 2024 at 02:45AM by Shot_Wolverine8277