Friday, May 31, 2024

Why carry a knife when you can carry a gun?

I am a male that trains in BJJ, weight lifting, and I am 185lbs.

I believe that one should train to be able to handle all unarmed assailants with their body alone.

If an assailant is armed with any kind of weapon and is putting my life in danger, I will deploy my concealed carry firearm.

If an assailant is armed and within 21 feet, I will try to defend against their weapon and deploy my firearm when I have the chance to.

Thus, I question why carry anything else other than your fists and a gun? If I don't want to take the life of an assailant I can just use my body. If they have a weapon and I still don't want to take their life, I can shoot them in the leg/abdomen away from vital organs. If I was 110 lbs, perhaps a pepper spray alongside a gun will work. But in my current situation, is there a need to carry anything else? Why even carry a knife if you have a gun and your fists?

Submitted May 31, 2024 at 03:17AM by Nearby-Many8180

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