Friday, May 24, 2024

I want to be told I've done the right thing

I want to be told i've done the right thing by someone other than my mum. I was having a cigarette on break from a bartending shift and saw a patron walking out, following a girl who was clearly distressed by his presence. Her saying something along the lines of; "go away, not interested". To which he was unphased by...

I sternly said "hey" to distract him so the lady could walk past me, as she did. This triggered a whole bunch of crap from him, getting within a few centimetres of my face and trying to provoke me into a fight.. you guys know how it is.

The part where i'm internally conflicted is: I just copped his verbal abuse, remaining silent (but not breaking eye-contact with him). I could smell his breath.

He was slightly taller than me but seemingly scrawnier. He didn't have a weapon, he had an empty plastic bottle in one his hands and a packet of chips in the other. The floor was wet, as it had just rained. The opportunity seemed perfect...

I can't help but feel as though I simply should've elbowed him, while he was in my face. Instead of allowing myself to be disrespected like that. Instead I did nothing and he got to walk away muttering something along the lines of; "that's what i thought" under his breath.

I feel kind of emasculated after telling my mates and hearing how they would've handled the situation...

At least the lady got to leave in peace i guess?

What should i have done/what would you guys have done? Thanks gang :)

Submitted May 24, 2024 at 06:48PM by AustralianSurfRock

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