Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Two stories of people hurting my cat

Please note that I was raised to respect my elders. Basically, I was raised in a way that makes me a subordinate to anyone who biologically older than me. That sort of thing.

Story 1:

So, I am at my Mom’s birthday party with my girlfriend at the time. The other party goers are the parents of my then girlfriend, and, obviously, my Mom. My sweet little kitty cat is NOT all that young, so, yeah. I figure that IS an important detail.

So, anyway, we are just doing our own thing, and I am sitting with my girlfriend, where, for some reason, my cat decided to jump behind my Dad, who is sitting in a recliner. I just whispered to my girlfriend that my cat was going to give my Dad some kisses. I hoped to have THAT as a memory. But, NO. Of course not! Immediately, my Dad decided that it would be a "brilliant" or "FUNNY" idea to do this bucking bronco thing to make my cat hit the ground. Hard. As soon as the cat hit the floor, I was stunned to see my Dad and my girlfriend’s parents LAUGHING THEIR ASSES OFF to the fact that my cat hit the ground. I gave my Dad a stone cold look, and said "Not impressed", and THOUGHT THAT WAS THE END of the stupidity. Once again, I was proven WRONG. My cat jumped behind my Dad a second time, probably to give him a second chance. My Dad did the stupid thing again (bucking bronco, best I can describe it), only for my cat to not fall. Then, my Dad decided to recline, and he does it at a nice, SLOW pace. At first. After I think that my Dad was FINALLY coming to his senses, he STUPIDLY accelerates hard, forcing my cat to hit the ground. Once again, uproarious laughter from my Dad and my girlfriend’s parents. NOBODY ELSE. I react the same way. "Not impressed" I say with a frown.

Anyway, comes dessert time, and everyone enjoys it. Now, you probably think I contaminated my Dad’s dessert, but, I wouldn’t do, not even as an act of revenge. Instead, when comes the time to pick up the plates, I pick up everybody’s plates, EXCEPT for my Dad, and he points out that I didn’t pick up HIS plate. I made sure he knew that my choice was deliberate. I said to him "You want to be cold?", referring to the atrocities that have been inflicted upon my cat. It is important to know that, after the second act of stupidity, my cat was AFRAID of approaching the crowd. In fact, I checked up on her in my room, and she was very afraid. She didn’t act defensively against me, and I just wrapped her in one of my robes to comfort her, and she could enjoy my scent.

Probably going to post this in "Am I the asshole", but, I get the feeling that the majority of readers will side with me.

Story 2: Girlfriend’s dog attacks my cat. I stop it in an instant!

Yes, my cat is ATTACKED.

This happened after the story in the initial post.

So, I am with the same girlfriend, and she is driving me on the snowmobile on the property. However, she ends up tipping the snowmobile, and breaks her wrist. At the time, we did NOT know it.

Anyway, I just stay with her to comfort my girlfriend about the accident, and I hear a VERY nerve wracking proposition. "Let’s get the dog and the cat to play. By the by, the dog is BIG, and is triggered by smaller animals that growl at her. I try to warn them that it’s NOT a good idea. The dog’s family KNOWS that the dog is danger to smaller animals who growl at her - THEY have told ME about their dog being triggered by smaller animals growling at her, which baffles me. I know my cat is territorial, since… she’s a cat. Anyway, it’s not long before I hear the dreaded sound of the dog barking at my sweet kitty. I BOLT to the scene, and strike the dog just hard enough to stop her. However, the dog attempts to CLAMP HER JAWS AROUND MY CAT'S HEAD. I separated the jaws to force the dog to release my cat (no worries-my cat is still alive). I shove the dog away to the dog’s human family, and I darkly said "Let this stupid shit happen again, and I won’t be so nice." Prior to the shove, EVERYONE WATCHING was just standing there like statues. I am a bit fuzzy about if I flipped the bird/double bird at the dog, but, I remember that I DEFINITELY considered it. That is just how fast THAT happened.

Now, fast forward to when we are going to the hospital. I overheard someone say "I guess the dog won’t play with the cat ever again", to which I shouted "Fucking told you so!"

Not sure if I flipped the bird at the dog after the shove, but, I definitely have considered it.

Submitted May 28, 2024 at 01:40PM by SonAmyFan362 https://ift.tt/BuokFvL

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