Sunday, May 19, 2024

old cart dude at work

tried to shake out a cart that was in between my cars front bumper and the small partition separating lanes while I was sitting in my car on my break

when shaking it up he was potentially scratching my bumper because it was lodged in there, don't know why it was there

after a few seconds he started slapping my hood to tell me to do something about it, for context the guy has no respect in general

(a week before he grabbed the back metal part of the golf cart I was in and told me to move, as this was the first time he had ever spoken with me I told him to relax, he didn't, so I yelled at him and said he's not talking like that with me and the next time its fhk you etc)

this being the next time, I then got out the car, grabbed the cart, threw it then tried to tell him in spanish to not do that

in a gradual increase of aggression getting closer to him I was just going for a take down but

two days before I started feeling extreme fatigue and knowing the symptoms I may have gonerrhea

the energy I exerted from that movement immediatly hit me and I needed to sit down

so the aggression in mid application depleted

I considered that maybe because he was damaging the car despite the intention of removing the cart there was cause for me to at least put him on the ground or move him away from the car to prove a point to him that I will do something (defending property what have you)

but because of the fatigue and that I didn't speak spanish I told him that I'd put him on the floor next time whatever

I think I had the right but because the legality in the circumstance is something id think is hard to determine until consequence starts to shed light on it idk

but anyways it will happen again in some way (what also perpetuates that probability is that he knows I didnt do anything in that moment and like I'm not going to explain why I didn't) but not in a setting where I have the right to do anything

weird circumstance

does anyone have any insight on it

edit: by old I mean he's late 40's and a dick head

Submitted May 19, 2024 at 09:13PM by Prize-Knowledge56

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