Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Unmatched Strength in (Self-Defense) Training: Defining Security Beyond Weapons Dependency

The r/SelfDefense subreddit is an advocate for all aspects of self-defense training. The average person would need a lifetime to learn about everything, hone their skills and improve. Weapons may indeed be effective tools to defend oneself or their loved ones, but let's not forget that they are just that: mere tools! The true power of us comes from within, so let's not rely solely on external factors.

If anyone intends to use weapons for self-defense, they also need to train in wielding/handling/shooting them. Moreover, they should educate themselves on all legal aspects regarding the possession and use of weapons. The legal repercussions of injuring or killing another person should be considered carefully.

There is no downside to learning more about weapons:

  • One could decide if they would use them, how, and under which circumstances,
  • It may reinforce the sense of responsibility in dangerous situations with regard to the use of force by employing weapons,
  • People would be better educated on how to secure weapons, handle them in a safe manner, avoid accidents, etc.

Also, there is no downside to training with weapons:

  • Training improves skills (duh?) such as accuracy and speed, and provides increased effectiveness on the desired goals,
  • Prepares the individuals for stressful scenarios,
  • It offers a good option when the attacker is also armed or hand-to-hand combat is too risky,
  • It offers a good option when the defender has somehow disarmed the attacker(s),
  • It minimizes risks,
  • It instills confidence and preparedness, etc.

The overall role of weapons in self-defense is a highly debated topic. Let's add to this tradition by offering new elaborate arguments in the comment section!

Aside from personal preferences, the importance of weapons varies depending on many circumstances according to every possible scenario: Can you access the weapons? Are you fast enough? Are you prepared to carry them all the time? Are you far from or close to the attacker(s)? What is the scenario? Do they attack you or threaten you?

Training with the weapons you intend to use should be a given. Weapons could have a place in one's personal security according to individual preferences and/or after pondering legal and moral questions. Nevertheless, no-one should rely solely on weapons. In many cases, weapons provide a false sense of security and should never, under any circumstances, replace unarmed self-defense training. What happens if you draw? Do you risk getting your weapon taken away from you and used to harm you or other people?

Even if you do train with weapons under your local laws, there is a strong case to be made for an all-around approach to self-defense training:

  1. Unlike weapons, self-defense training arms you with skills that are always available to you - your body and mind will always be at your disposal;
  2. Self-defense training instills a deeper confidence,
  3. It makes you more aware and present,
  4. It offers a diverse skill set that ensures adaptability and control no matter the circumstance,
  5. It provides you with life-skills, fitness and every secondary advantage of self-defense/martial art training,
  6. What do I forget? Comment away! More edits to come.

Ultimately, while weapons could be a part of a safety plan, they should only complement proper physical and mental training. This sub lacks many discussions on weapons of opportunity, i.e, things you find and use, but don't carry around. What could we add to that?

I hope this post will serve as a megathred for all future related issues!

Thank you in advance, and see you in the comment section!

Submitted January 07, 2024 at 12:02PM by theopresent

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