Sunday, January 14, 2024

My car got stolen

Interesting night. Before telling you the story, I am “ok” built, fairly strong and in decent shape.

So, last night around 2.30AM my dad wakes me up saying that someone stole the car. Of course I immediately got up, called the police and you know the drill. My dad lefts with the policemen to the police station (bureaucracy shit) so I was home alone.

I kinda felt that the thief would come back so I just laid down on the couch and waited. I was about to fall asleep when I heard MY car getting parked, I checked outside the window and I was right, the asshole was there. I got up and just went outside, before opening the door I wanted to make sure the guy was alone.

The thief parked the car, left the keys there and just walked away. When I was sure he was alone, I opened the door and yelled at him “Hey”. He didn’t turn, he just shouted “sorry” and walked

I am making this post because I didn’t run on him, I didn’t follow him, I just called the police and I told em how the guy was looking like. Logically, there was no need to be a hero and follow a guy “for justice” since he left the car where he found it. Also, he wasn’t sober, probably drunk or on some drugs (he was holding a glass bottle of beer) and you never know, maybe the guy practiced martial arts or maybe he had a knife, there was no need for me to get stabbed at 4AM when nobody was around, right?

However now, when I think about it, I am pretty pissed at myself. As I said I am fairly strong and the guy was tall but skinny, I could’ve stopped him from running away but I didn’t. Again, I am aware I did the most logical thing on that moment, but I still feel like I could’ve stopped him (especially since the police didn’t find him yet).

I lack assertiveness and aggressiveness and it’s really disappointing sometimes. I tell myself that I don’t argue/fight because “conflicts makes no sense” but I honestly feel kind of a pussy after what happened yesterday.


(I am not from US, I live in Europe)

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 11:24AM by ProfessionalBulker

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