Sunday, January 14, 2024

I got jumped, what do I do to change myself?

Recently I was at the beach after a night out with 4 people I met, we went for a swim and as we got out a group of 6-8 people showed up, they walked over and said “you talking shit” I hadn’t seen them until I got out.

I said no and that we just got finished swimming, they slightly walked away but one girl there was starting to be aggressive to the girl I met, I put my arm infront of the girl I met and said “I’m sorry we are leaving” but she wasn’t done. A bigger guy came over (not big tall just big muscles) and punched our friend in the face, at that point we were ready to walk away. As we were walking the same dude ran up behind me to try and coward punch me, I heard him running and turned so he only hit the side of my head.

He began yelling at me saying “you woman basher” which I was very confused and slightly dazed from the initial hit. I’m 6’3 and pretty skinny only weighing about 70kg but this guy was maybe 5’9-5’11.

I kept trying to walk away and the group followed us hitting me and the others in the back of our heads then telling us to give them our things. They only took my hat since my phone was dead but stole our friends wallet.

I have reported it to the police but after experiencing something like that I thought what could I have done to make the ending different.

Instead of thinking that like I was yesterday (the same morning this happened) I want to know how I can start training myself to be able to hold my own at least.

I want to know what martial art or boxing or something along those lines could I do that would help me best to protect not only myself but others around me, I have done Brazilian jujitsu a little but after that I feel as if I did get one to the ground I would’ve been stomped on the ground.

Any idea would help but I live in Australia so no I can’t buy a weapon but if I can at least learn something it would give me more confidence later.

Submitted January 15, 2024 at 01:29AM by No_Strength_8135

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