Saturday, January 6, 2024

I have a question.

Not sure if this is the right place to post but: I carry a pocket knife in my truck where ever I go in case I get in a wreck or something and I have to cut the seatbelt or shatter the glass. But hypothetically let's say you get kidnapped and the person is super rich let's say like Epstein. Yeah Epstein came back from the dead, and is trying to kidnap you to take you to his island. He has a vehicle with bullet proof glass and a divider between the back seat and front like a cop car would have. The only option you have is to break the glass how would you go about that, or would you just be screwed?

Also: if you can't break the glass what is your plan to survive?

Submitted January 06, 2024 at 02:24AM by Trout-Hunter_MO

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