Friday, January 26, 2024

Need some advice

I'm in my mid 20's my wife and I got our first place last year and going into this year I've decided to become a recent gun owner. (I grew up around firearms etc but never owned one myself until now) We try and go weekly to the range and get at least 100-200 rounds in every visit. When my schedule changes and I can plan better. I want to take up training courses at my local range and get my CCW. I am very serious about it is a "Shield not a weapon" mindset so safety is everything to me lately.

So here's my issue I need advice on.. safety is my concern as I said. I work in a not so best part of town and granted Im going to probably part ways later down the road but I do work for a Smoke Shop. I understand that, that community and the gun community is a very intense grey zone.. but that's not the point. The parking lot to the building only has one entrance. Around the parking lot is a drop off bc it is elevated on a hill. So there's no going anywhere.. I guess the local goons knew about this too. Last night people blocked the entrance to the parking lot and tried robbing people in the drive thru at the restaurant, on the end of the strip attached to our building. So maybe 25-35yards from where I am. Plus I get about 2-4 homeless people a day as well that come in begging or looking for crack pipes which we do not sell. So it's always kinda uneasy nowadays... Since I do not have my concealed carry yet. Would anyone advise NOT to open carry? Because that is what I'm resorting to it seems like until I can get my CCW of course. My boss says don't bother and just let them rob us since everythings insured... Yet my life is not.

I've considered the "Storing method" putting a gun magnet in both my car and at work under the front desk. Or I could just blatantly open carry in the mean time. The customers we do get are 8/10 times regulars, so they're pretty familiar with me. I have been working here for almost 4 years now. So I think I can win over the majority of them not scaring them away since we kinda know each other by now. So that's not my concern thankfully.

I would really appreciate any advice or thoughts on my situation. Anything helps!

Should I store it? Should I Open Carry? Or should I bunker down and just wait for my CCW..

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 03:11AM by EdcMTN

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