Wednesday, January 31, 2024

need taser help

hey all, i recently bought a taser for self defence and when i got it it worked fine and was arcing, now after messing around with it(just making it do the electrical thing) it’s stopped arcing, it’s fully charged and all that happens is a high pitched sound, if i put it on metal it still zaps but it doesn’t make the electric jump between the prongs, please help

Submitted January 31, 2024 at 04:37AM by human_sp

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How do I become certified in self defense

I live in northern VA and want to become a certified instructor however, So far I have only found online courses and I don't know if any of the sites that offer online course and practice exams are legitimate. I would also prefer to learn in person. Please advise.

Submitted January 30, 2024 at 03:44PM by oh_hi_kiwi

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Best self defense

Submitted January 29, 2024 at 01:45AM by HeavyBlackDog

Did I do the right thing?

So I am 17 and this happened about a week ago and I want to know if what I did would’ve worked or not. So basically I was home alone with my sister (F8) and were just relaxing than suddenly our doorbell rings, so I just ignore it Than the people ring it like 5 more times over the course of 30 seconds so I get scared and check the window and there’s a truck with a guy standing by the truck and what I assumed was another guy ringing the doorbell. Than they start banging on the door. So I tell my sister to go into my closet. I than grabbed a pocket knife and my heart was pounding at this point. I didnt know if it was safe for me to hide in the closet because if they came in the house and opened my closet I would be borderline defenseless. So what I did was hide to the side/ kinda behind my door so if they walked into my room they wouldn’t see me unless I turned around. So my plan if somebody walked Into my room was to stab them in the neck. Was that the right call? Now I was borderline crying with the scenario I was being put in knowing my sister could die if I didn’t hold my ground against these intruders. Thankfully I called my parents while this was happened and they came home and thankfully it was just some red necks that were interested in one of our properties. Now was what I was going to do right or wrong?

Submitted January 29, 2024 at 12:08AM by Fast-Win9282

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Non violent way out of a headlock.

I play rugby, I'm kind of a muscular dude but I'm only 5'8 and I have a few buddies that are bigger guys 6'2-6'4 who will jokingly come up behind me and put me in a kind of mild headlock. Usually if I'm talking to a woman at a bar. I would like to know the most simple way to get out of it. Nothing too violent that requires me to spin around and cause a scene, just kind of want a "nope" move, if you know what I mean. Is there something simple I could do?

Submitted January 27, 2024 at 04:25PM by wonder-mutt

Was it Murder or Self Defense ?

My cat is claiming the Rufous Sided Towhee attacked and threatened his life. It is being investigated now.

Submitted January 27, 2024 at 02:53PM by YaklDakl

Friday, January 26, 2024

Defense against a ex-military home invader?

Call me paranoid but I want to be prepared for all possibilities. My fiancé is going to be telling off her estranged father that was arrested when she was a child. He wants to visit us as he is trying to get his affairs in order as he has had health issues recently and believes he is dying. He lives in another state but knows our address and is not that far away. He served 10+ years for child molestation and sex with a minor and has a history of minor assault chargers after his prison term. He is ex-army and owns guns. The man is a raging narcissist but luckily he is also beyond his years physically and is in his 60s in poorer health.

I am worried how a raging narcissist with a prison record who is trying to make peace with the world will react when his only daughter tells him off. I cannot talk her out of this stance. I don’t own firearms due to a history of mental health issues in our house but I am considering getting one now. Are there any other possibilities I should consider? What else should I know?

Submitted January 27, 2024 at 01:28AM by N_in_Black

UK: Woman arrested for self defense in own home

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 05:24PM by Vivid-Art6939

Best self defence course

Tonight I had not 1 but 2 instances where I felt absolutely useless. A guy had groped my gf at the club then came back around to harass her, I stepped in between but knew I had no buisness being there. THEN after I walked her home I was almost jumped. Completely set up, grabbed by the collar and begged him to let me go. I’ve never felt so unsafe and vulnerable.

I just want to know the best self defence course to take to be able to Atleast handle myself in situations where I may not have another choice

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 12:20PM by Dirty_Casual_

Whats your opinion?

Imo, the best self defense is very dirty defense. Kick to the groin, finger into the eyesocket. What do y‘all say?

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 09:05AM by fredyicey

Need some advice

I'm in my mid 20's my wife and I got our first place last year and going into this year I've decided to become a recent gun owner. (I grew up around firearms etc but never owned one myself until now) We try and go weekly to the range and get at least 100-200 rounds in every visit. When my schedule changes and I can plan better. I want to take up training courses at my local range and get my CCW. I am very serious about it is a "Shield not a weapon" mindset so safety is everything to me lately.

So here's my issue I need advice on.. safety is my concern as I said. I work in a not so best part of town and granted Im going to probably part ways later down the road but I do work for a Smoke Shop. I understand that, that community and the gun community is a very intense grey zone.. but that's not the point. The parking lot to the building only has one entrance. Around the parking lot is a drop off bc it is elevated on a hill. So there's no going anywhere.. I guess the local goons knew about this too. Last night people blocked the entrance to the parking lot and tried robbing people in the drive thru at the restaurant, on the end of the strip attached to our building. So maybe 25-35yards from where I am. Plus I get about 2-4 homeless people a day as well that come in begging or looking for crack pipes which we do not sell. So it's always kinda uneasy nowadays... Since I do not have my concealed carry yet. Would anyone advise NOT to open carry? Because that is what I'm resorting to it seems like until I can get my CCW of course. My boss says don't bother and just let them rob us since everythings insured... Yet my life is not.

I've considered the "Storing method" putting a gun magnet in both my car and at work under the front desk. Or I could just blatantly open carry in the mean time. The customers we do get are 8/10 times regulars, so they're pretty familiar with me. I have been working here for almost 4 years now. So I think I can win over the majority of them not scaring them away since we kinda know each other by now. So that's not my concern thankfully.

I would really appreciate any advice or thoughts on my situation. Anything helps!

Should I store it? Should I Open Carry? Or should I bunker down and just wait for my CCW..

Submitted January 26, 2024 at 03:11AM by EdcMTN

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Self defense for a cripple

Two years ago I suffered a catastrophic injury in bjj leaving my right knee destroyed. Preinjury I never cared about self defense because my biggest defense was run. But now that the option is gone, what device/gadget would be optimal? (My family owns the biggest business in my area and we have been harassed in the past due to having money)

Submitted January 24, 2024 at 09:13PM by Sensitive-League6650

Where to sell Taser

I have a Taser X26P I want to sell. Does anyone know how or where online to sell it? eBay won’t let me.

Submitted January 24, 2024 at 04:01AM by Neverbetter49

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

how would you defend this rear bearhug body slam?

as the title, how would you defend this rear bearhug body slam after being picked up? , bear in mind you have about 3/4 of a second to choose what to do.

the obvious answer is not looking at your phone and keeping eyes on the enemy, but my question here is oriented towards the part where hes already behind your and picked you up.

Submitted January 23, 2024 at 11:39PM by shailan_gsa

Muay Thai for Self-Defense

Submitted January 23, 2024 at 02:21PM by eat-sleep-rave

Monday, January 22, 2024

baseball bat home defense

hey im 173 cm( 5foot 8 in) and i am going to buy a bat for home self defense. i am considering to buy a 26 inch bat which is 66cm but i want to hear your opinions. please concider the corridor size and give me your answers on the lenght of the bat.

Submitted January 22, 2024 at 01:56PM by Enough_Ad9632

Kidnapping (answers needed)

There have been men kidnapping students in the area i walk to school i feel very unsafe and i have no other alternative method of transport i need ideas for home made self defense weapons. I cant use a martial arts as these men are older and stronger than us students my friends use alternative transportation so i cant walk in a group with them.

Submitted January 22, 2024 at 12:59PM by EfficientRide7926

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Boxing and wrestling

I’ve been doing boxing for 5 years constantly and I’ve held my own in sparring against seasoned professionals and won every street fight I’ve been in so far, im looking to put the gloves down and just live life, but I’ve been thinking about how my boxing experience will help me self defense wise and yes I know on foot I can take the average man and even someone more skilled because all it takes is a perfectly timed punch to end a fight, but if it gets to the ground I’m clueless, would wrestling be a addition to my boxing, other than kicks I’d be experienced in every aspect

Submitted January 22, 2024 at 01:46AM by Whole_Ad1392

What’s the best small self defense knife?

Not looking to spend a lot just want something to make me feel safe and small. I want to carry it on my pocket .

Submitted January 21, 2024 at 06:13AM by Rsbfg

Saturday, January 20, 2024

men broke into my dates home holding weapons.

This is Venezuela where the police presence is very thin. They won’t do anything to help you.

Is her best bet just to let them have whatever they want? She’s been robbed 5 times.

I’m just worried about her and her daughter getting raped or tortured, things like that.

How can she protect herself?

Submitted January 20, 2024 at 07:23PM by 1NightWolf

Curious question

Being 6ft 6 at 310 lbs of mostly muscle and 205cm reach , how likely is it to ko someone in street fight with a proper connecting strike?

Submitted January 20, 2024 at 02:31PM by Large_Safety8911

Self defense for vulnerable bone density

I was born with a birth defect that required surgery on my upper jaw. Due to several factors this turned into three surgeries on the same area. The bone density is naturally lower now, and I have incomplete bone healing as well as some loose teeth in the front of my upper jaw.

I'm concerned that for the rest of my life I'm at risk of a complete facial collapse, an increase in chronic pain, more nerve damage, and lost teeth if I'm ever punched directly in the nose/upper jaw area. I feel like I will never be able to assert myself (peacefully) or have confidence in myself because I'm so vulnerable to even the most common forms of violence. I have a license to carry but don't own a firearm, and honestly I'm looking more for advice in general on ways to achieve a confident posture and physical health despite the uncertainty of the longevity of my facial bones/jaw.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What sort of training could I safely do to increase my strength and potential to defend myself that doesn't put my face at risk during the training? I'm probably forgetting a lot of key questions, but hopefully you get the gist and can offer some advice. It's been a rough ride and I just want to feel comfortable and no longer afraid.

Thank you.

Submitted January 20, 2024 at 02:12PM by Foreign-Guitar-8556

Feedback please?

Feedback please?

Would a 205cm reach at 6ft6 height and 310lbs of mostly muscle give an advantage in a fight?

Submitted January 19, 2024 at 08:23PM by Large_Safety8911

Friday, January 19, 2024

I'm getting jumped at school soon :(

As the title suggests, I'm getting jumped soon. 3 people were talking to eachother about doing it soon. I heard them very clear. Not an exact date, though. Does anybody here know what I should do? I have I'm really, really anxious about this, because I'm a little goody two shoes at school and I'm not looking to ruin my reputation or report card at all :(( I also have no prior combat or self-defense experience! Any help is appreciated!

Submitted January 19, 2024 at 08:35AM by Danielhasagun

Pepper spray residue on new bottles!

so I have bought a few ESP pepper sprays and have been training with them (only draw and safety disengagement) and I have touched my mouth and it burns and is red (also got some of it on other not so pleasant places so... take from that what you will). I've put some sour cream on it and it is okay after 15 minutes. So first of all, WARNING! There might be some residue on even unused pepper spray bottles so be careful what you touch after traning!

I've slathered the bottles with rubbing alcohol and wiped them. Would that be enough to remove the residue? Or what would be the best way to render them safe to touch and train with?

Submitted January 19, 2024 at 07:16AM by TotalyOriginalUser

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Websites for ordering self defence items.

Moved to a rough area and have been having some issues. So far have dealt with them fine but I am not exactly a big guy. Was wondering if there are any reputable sites for ordering things such as batons or pepper spray etc? Canada can be rough too! I don’t want a gun just want to be able to protect my apartment and those within it.


Submitted January 16, 2024 at 09:08PM by LoganTHEntertainer

Effectiveness of 80lb Crossbows

Submitted January 16, 2024 at 01:08PM by Feeling-Ad-8554

Ground Reaction Drill To Avoid Being Punched

Submitted January 16, 2024 at 11:01AM by SAFEInternational

Sunday, January 14, 2024

I got jumped, what do I do to change myself?

Recently I was at the beach after a night out with 4 people I met, we went for a swim and as we got out a group of 6-8 people showed up, they walked over and said “you talking shit” I hadn’t seen them until I got out.

I said no and that we just got finished swimming, they slightly walked away but one girl there was starting to be aggressive to the girl I met, I put my arm infront of the girl I met and said “I’m sorry we are leaving” but she wasn’t done. A bigger guy came over (not big tall just big muscles) and punched our friend in the face, at that point we were ready to walk away. As we were walking the same dude ran up behind me to try and coward punch me, I heard him running and turned so he only hit the side of my head.

He began yelling at me saying “you woman basher” which I was very confused and slightly dazed from the initial hit. I’m 6’3 and pretty skinny only weighing about 70kg but this guy was maybe 5’9-5’11.

I kept trying to walk away and the group followed us hitting me and the others in the back of our heads then telling us to give them our things. They only took my hat since my phone was dead but stole our friends wallet.

I have reported it to the police but after experiencing something like that I thought what could I have done to make the ending different.

Instead of thinking that like I was yesterday (the same morning this happened) I want to know how I can start training myself to be able to hold my own at least.

I want to know what martial art or boxing or something along those lines could I do that would help me best to protect not only myself but others around me, I have done Brazilian jujitsu a little but after that I feel as if I did get one to the ground I would’ve been stomped on the ground.

Any idea would help but I live in Australia so no I can’t buy a weapon but if I can at least learn something it would give me more confidence later.

Submitted January 15, 2024 at 01:29AM by No_Strength_8135

what is this move where the elbow is pushed in?

as the title, what is this move where the elbow is pushed in? as also shown at 2.21 in , can it really make a big person drop or is he exaggerating?

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 04:24PM by shailan_gsa

Video showing why stun guns suck. Mace stun gun

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 03:12PM by jaime_lion

My car got stolen

Interesting night. Before telling you the story, I am “ok” built, fairly strong and in decent shape.

So, last night around 2.30AM my dad wakes me up saying that someone stole the car. Of course I immediately got up, called the police and you know the drill. My dad lefts with the policemen to the police station (bureaucracy shit) so I was home alone.

I kinda felt that the thief would come back so I just laid down on the couch and waited. I was about to fall asleep when I heard MY car getting parked, I checked outside the window and I was right, the asshole was there. I got up and just went outside, before opening the door I wanted to make sure the guy was alone.

The thief parked the car, left the keys there and just walked away. When I was sure he was alone, I opened the door and yelled at him “Hey”. He didn’t turn, he just shouted “sorry” and walked

I am making this post because I didn’t run on him, I didn’t follow him, I just called the police and I told em how the guy was looking like. Logically, there was no need to be a hero and follow a guy “for justice” since he left the car where he found it. Also, he wasn’t sober, probably drunk or on some drugs (he was holding a glass bottle of beer) and you never know, maybe the guy practiced martial arts or maybe he had a knife, there was no need for me to get stabbed at 4AM when nobody was around, right?

However now, when I think about it, I am pretty pissed at myself. As I said I am fairly strong and the guy was tall but skinny, I could’ve stopped him from running away but I didn’t. Again, I am aware I did the most logical thing on that moment, but I still feel like I could’ve stopped him (especially since the police didn’t find him yet).

I lack assertiveness and aggressiveness and it’s really disappointing sometimes. I tell myself that I don’t argue/fight because “conflicts makes no sense” but I honestly feel kind of a pussy after what happened yesterday.


(I am not from US, I live in Europe)

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 11:24AM by ProfessionalBulker

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Knife threat / stupidity

So tonight me and my brother were helping a drunk guy get sober and get him home when a car full of guys starts abusing the guy and we step in to protect the guy, it ends up in a tense argument situation where I am trying to reason with them, anyway next thing one of their guys pulls a knife in the car and me and my brother are both like wtf, so rather than walk away and be the bigger person, I stupidly tell my bro to run and throw a 2 litre bottle of water off the car and tell them to fuck themselves, then we run and get caught up by the guys and since we know they were tooled up we just tried to reason rather than fighting back. Nothing happened in the end other than a bit of an altercation but in hindsight, don’t throw a water bottle off someone’s car who has a knife and wants to kill you :)

Submitted January 14, 2024 at 12:40AM by JME_nufc

Sexual assault on college campuses

As a father of three girls, the statistics on college sexual assault worry me. What are the most important things women must know regarding self defense.

Submitted January 13, 2024 at 08:44PM by Peter-Rabbit-2463

how do you keep calm in a fight or altercation?

as the title, how do you keep calm in a fight or altercation? im talking in regarding to keeping calm when you have a racing heart rate just before a fight etc?

Submitted January 13, 2024 at 12:33PM by shailan_gsa

Is a 11" 1.1lb crowbar too heavy to swing ?

I've been thinking about carrying a small crowbar in my backpack, do you guys think the weight to length ratio will make it non practical for self defense?

I do have a bigger crowbar in here but it's impossible to swing it even to hit a nail (the smaller one will be bought online).

Submitted January 13, 2024 at 08:26AM by goatenciusmaximus

Friday, January 12, 2024

Gimmick "self-defense" weapons.

I can't believe how many fake, gimmick self defense weapons there are out there. You know what I'm talking about, right? Tasers that require your attacker to be within stabbing distance of you--that you need to constantly charge by plugging into an outlet. Stuff like that. The people that make these "weapons" are snake oil salesmen that want to make a quick dime off of people that want to feel safe, without actually being safe. They don't care about people's safety, just making money. Watch out for them, and always do your research and double check a hundred percent that your self defense implements will be functional in case you get attacked. I carry around a small gardening spade with me, and it's probably more effective than a lot of things that are being marketed. Especially if I sharpen the metal edge somehow. I don't mind people knowing about it, either.

A 9mm or .45 caliber beats all of them, though.

Submitted January 12, 2024 at 07:43PM by New_Difference6210

Confrontation with ScottRail staff (UK)

So 2 days ago, a man was being harassed by a ScotRail staff member (ticket man) at the platform. The elderly man was being followed up and down the station, and sounded like he was anxious and generally upset that the ticket man was in his face, I mean 5 inches or so from the man.

I decided to step in. I asked the elderly man where he was going (as the ticket man was demanding he activated his ticket on the platform). The elderly man said he was going to a platform (which I will leave out of this) which has ticket barriers (so we know that he needs an active ticket to get through). The staff member then proceeded to step right up to my face squaring up to me in an aggressive manner. At that point the train arrived and we brushed past him to get on.

Today however, I didn’t have the same patience with the guy and when he proceeded to immediately flock to me for a ticket, I told him to “fuck off” and kept walking. He then proceeded to step right to my face, telling me that I cannot travel today.

Asking him to get out my way, and him stepping in my face if I stepped to the side, I decided to outstretch my hand and shove him out the way so that I can get on with my day. Keep in mind he was equally as aggressive and intimidating as he was with me previously. They thought they could delay the train, but as usual, it was a power trip.

This happened in the UK, and the guy was lucky I didn’t take it further with him invading my personal space and being aggressive towards me.

I would like to know what are your thought on this confrontation, as the same guy is probably going to be at the station on Monday, and if he starts on me, I will take action for my own safety.

I should also add, when I end got go into the train, the staff barged into me like some idiot.

Submitted January 12, 2024 at 04:56AM by Few-Structure7554

Thursday, January 11, 2024

How to get strong

This question might be a bit vague, but other than learning techniques how do you get physically strong where you feel like you can actually fight off an attacker? I’m 20F and even when I religiously did martial arts in high school as well as run cross country, I never felt like I could actually stop anyone. Does anyone have any tips or things that they do?

Submitted January 11, 2024 at 03:56PM by local_bitch2020

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Unmatched Strength in (Self-Defense) Training: Defining Security Beyond Weapons Dependency

The r/SelfDefense subreddit is an advocate for all aspects of self-defense training. The average person would need a lifetime to learn about everything, hone their skills and improve. Weapons may indeed be effective tools to defend oneself or their loved ones, but let's not forget that they are just that: mere tools! The true power of us comes from within, so let's not rely solely on external factors.

If anyone intends to use weapons for self-defense, they also need to train in wielding/handling/shooting them. Moreover, they should educate themselves on all legal aspects regarding the possession and use of weapons. The legal repercussions of injuring or killing another person should be considered carefully.

There is no downside to learning more about weapons:

  • One could decide if they would use them, how, and under which circumstances,
  • It may reinforce the sense of responsibility in dangerous situations with regard to the use of force by employing weapons,
  • People would be better educated on how to secure weapons, handle them in a safe manner, avoid accidents, etc.

Also, there is no downside to training with weapons:

  • Training improves skills (duh?) such as accuracy and speed, and provides increased effectiveness on the desired goals,
  • Prepares the individuals for stressful scenarios,
  • It offers a good option when the attacker is also armed or hand-to-hand combat is too risky,
  • It offers a good option when the defender has somehow disarmed the attacker(s),
  • It minimizes risks,
  • It instills confidence and preparedness, etc.

The overall role of weapons in self-defense is a highly debated topic. Let's add to this tradition by offering new elaborate arguments in the comment section!

Aside from personal preferences, the importance of weapons varies depending on many circumstances according to every possible scenario: Can you access the weapons? Are you fast enough? Are you prepared to carry them all the time? Are you far from or close to the attacker(s)? What is the scenario? Do they attack you or threaten you?

Training with the weapons you intend to use should be a given. Weapons could have a place in one's personal security according to individual preferences and/or after pondering legal and moral questions. Nevertheless, no-one should rely solely on weapons. In many cases, weapons provide a false sense of security and should never, under any circumstances, replace unarmed self-defense training. What happens if you draw? Do you risk getting your weapon taken away from you and used to harm you or other people?

Even if you do train with weapons under your local laws, there is a strong case to be made for an all-around approach to self-defense training:

  1. Unlike weapons, self-defense training arms you with skills that are always available to you - your body and mind will always be at your disposal;
  2. Self-defense training instills a deeper confidence,
  3. It makes you more aware and present,
  4. It offers a diverse skill set that ensures adaptability and control no matter the circumstance,
  5. It provides you with life-skills, fitness and every secondary advantage of self-defense/martial art training,
  6. What do I forget? Comment away! More edits to come.

Ultimately, while weapons could be a part of a safety plan, they should only complement proper physical and mental training. This sub lacks many discussions on weapons of opportunity, i.e, things you find and use, but don't carry around. What could we add to that?

I hope this post will serve as a megathred for all future related issues!

Thank you in advance, and see you in the comment section!

Submitted January 07, 2024 at 12:02PM by theopresent

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Holding ground vs Dog

While walking around my neighborhood in the mornings with my daughter and her new puppy we have come across a number of unleashed dogs.

How would I prevent them from engaging my daughter or her dog behind me?

Submitted January 06, 2024 at 12:13PM by Bert-OF-Ernie

I have a question.

Not sure if this is the right place to post but: I carry a pocket knife in my truck where ever I go in case I get in a wreck or something and I have to cut the seatbelt or shatter the glass. But hypothetically let's say you get kidnapped and the person is super rich let's say like Epstein. Yeah Epstein came back from the dead, and is trying to kidnap you to take you to his island. He has a vehicle with bullet proof glass and a divider between the back seat and front like a cop car would have. The only option you have is to break the glass how would you go about that, or would you just be screwed?

Also: if you can't break the glass what is your plan to survive?

Submitted January 06, 2024 at 02:24AM by Trout-Hunter_MO

Friday, January 5, 2024

Heavy Sniper with 2 rounds or crossbow with 6?

Imagine your home is getting robbed by 2 men with guns. You’re on the second floor. Would you rather have the sniper or crossbow?

Submitted January 05, 2024 at 11:02AM by uniqueusername7102

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Cheers to 18,000 Strong and a New Year of Empowerment! Thank you, r/SelfDefense Community!

As we step into the promising year of 2024, we have also crossed a remarkable milestone - we are now a family of 18000 members strong. What an incredible way to kick off the new year together!

Firstly, a heartfelt thank you to our most active members! Your insightful contributions and overall unwavering support have been the backbone of our community's success. With every question answered and your insights shared you have made this subreddit an invaluable space for learning and personal growth.

Let's use this moment to celebrate our collective dedication to empowerment through self-defense. Your eagerness to share experience and expertise not only enriches this community but also equips everyone here with vital life-skills; I hope it will also stand as a helpful testament to future generations who will seek for advice in the following decades.

As we venture into the new year, I encourage each of you to continue contributing and engaging. Share your valuable insights, ask questions, and support one another. Let's foster an environment where everyone feels empowered and equipped with the knowledge they need to stay safe.

Together, let's strive for more engaging discussions, insightful tips, and a deeper sense of community. Your presence and active involvement are what make r/SelfDefense exceptional!

Here's to a fantastic 2024 filled with learning, growth, and unwavering support for one another.

Let's make this year one of more self-defense training for all!

Cheers to the good guys!

Warm regards,

Submitted January 03, 2024 at 07:05PM by theopresent

Monday, January 1, 2024

Best non-lethal for home defense?

I’ll start by saying my wife is fully against having anything lethal in our home with kids. I also know that the use of something non-lethal with an intruder can escalate to a worse situation. I currently only have a bat in my bedroom.

Is there a good alternative for home defense outside of a good alarm system and a gun? I have terrible anxiety about an intruder so really want a last line of defense for my family. A BB gun? Airsoft?

Submitted January 01, 2024 at 10:49PM by Pooped-Pants