Thursday, September 7, 2023

Help please I need some advice

. So basically a guy a year older started kind of bullying me to the point where he would try to put me to the ground using his heigh tand weight. Me 1 year younger didn't have much chance in wrestling with him so I had to use judo. Keep in mind he doesn't know how to fight so I didn't really want to beat him up or something cause that would cause me trouble. Today when we were waiting for the PE class in the hall he started trying to smash me against the wall and squeezed my hand to the point where it hurt really bad. I got. fed up and started like wrestling him and then I hit a o soto ghari on him. (sorry if I wrote the throw wrong). He fell on his ass and his wrist and he got embarrassed, in front of everyone, a guy who was a year younger and a lot smaller just threw him. tho I know he will try to do something to me. I'm in my house right now and I am kind of scared to go to school tommorow. if he attacks me I am ready to fight back, tho I don't want to. Please tell. me. hhow to handle this situation and maybe hit me up with some tips.

Submitted September 07, 2023 at 11:08AM by combatfight

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