Saturday, September 30, 2023

Youtuber shot guy not guilty got questions

1 if he felt his life in danger why is he punished for shooting in a crowded area its not his fault the event happed if a guy was going yo get raped in public and shot the guy would he get charged as well for shooting in crowded area?

2 some people thought shooting was to much if a guy had a knife on him and stabbed the guys throat why wouldn't he be left off like the shooting for self defense

Submitted September 30, 2023 at 09:16PM by chris_s9181

Thursday, September 28, 2023

My bros getting bullied, yo

I found a suicide note in his backpack. I don't want to touch that subject right now all I want to do is beat up the piece of shit freaks bothering him. On God I'm so fucking pissed

For reference I'm 20 and graduated high school a couple years ago LOL. As someone who's been bullied a few times (not badly at all) I know how it feels to be mocked. I won't claim to be the strongest and I've only boxed like 3 times at a time in my life. like for a couple months then quit Cuz I'd rather eat pizza with the money. My family has already gone the counselor/administration route. The bullying is bad enough that he's self harming and has been admitted for suicidal ideation last year

I'm fully aware I'm not in a Disney movie of course it won't go well but I can't sit still. I know these boys hang out at the park or at gas stations looking for someone to buy them alc. I'm planning to either get them at the park or go with my brother when he wants to go to the park and shoot hoops. Theyre seniors in hs so I'm pretty sure I'm not fighting with minors (hopefully not LOL)

I'll appreciate any tips and please don't mention weapons I just want to kick these kids asses I don't want to ruin their life over this

If mods need proof of this I can dm them the hospital admission info and sh pics just a warning it's Def gore if not more. I'm not a roleplayer just a pissed off older bro

Submitted September 28, 2023 at 02:34AM by tongueinbooty

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

how effective are stab proof vests /ballistic gear

as the title, how effective are stab proof vests /ballistic gear for physical combat such as protecting against punches and kicks?

Submitted September 27, 2023 at 06:37PM by shailan_gsa

Recommended non firearm weapons. Can someone help?

I (F23) live with my parents while attending college. For a while , I’ve been thinking about carrying something for self defense. I would like to get a firearm (I.e a pistol) but my parents would freak out about the idea having a gun in the house. I would like to look at other options like knifes, tasers, stun guns, ect but I don’t know where to start .

Does anyone have any recommendations?

Submitted September 27, 2023 at 07:56AM by Only_Chloe6

Combining Judo with Ju Jitsu?


Submitted September 27, 2023 at 05:20AM by Ailan22

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

What do you guys think of my self-defense weapons?

I haven't purchased these yet but here is what I am planning on getting in order of where they will be on my belt:

4 17-round magazines

an Echelon 9mm with an extended 20-round magazine in a level 3 retention holster

a bottle of pom oc spray

3 pairs of handcuffs

zip ties



pen knife


backup torch

spare batteries

binoculars with night vision

throwable leg-restraints

leg restraints

spare taser cartridge

taser 10 in a level 2 retention als holster(when it's released)

first aid kit containing bandages, surgical scissors, Narcan, 3 tourniquets, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes. I also have an emergency tourniquet around my ankle.

Submitted September 26, 2023 at 04:46PM by Bitter_Dig5118

Monday, September 25, 2023

Any one know good and reliable pepper gel?

Since my girlfriend is starting college and moving away, I’ve been trying to buy her pepper gel. She lives in a Windy City so the pepper gel was the best bet against blow back however, every single one I’ve found I see has reviews about how they break easily or leak. To be fair these are like the 10-15 dollars ones on Amazon that are cheap but I haven’t been able to find good quality ones. She’d want something that can attach to her keychain and is not big. Does anyone have any ecommendations to some? Thank you!

Submitted September 25, 2023 at 10:58PM by NOimDirtyDan--

Self-defense for older men with bad knees

Is there some style of self-defense that an older man can practice?

I am 57, have a heart condition and have bum knees. Is there anything I can learn that might be within my ability to be effective?

Got jumped by a cab driver in Prague. For the first time in my life, I wished I knew how to fight back better.

Submitted September 25, 2023 at 07:14PM by aagee

Almost got jumped today at school

Wanna learn how to defend myself, Where should I start

For reference, I did karate but it didn't really help me with physical combat much

Submitted September 25, 2023 at 11:08AM by Dapper_Corner_7770

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Real brass knuckles

Does anyone know where I can buy real brass knuckles or a website for self defense?

Submitted September 24, 2023 at 11:06AM by JoeHablo

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Feet, Knee, Fingertip, Elbow, 4arm conditioning.

Can you condition your Feet(top and bottom), Knees, Fingertips, and Forearms in the way that you condition your legs and knuckles? Asking because it would give you more weapons and greater range on kicks(feet), punches(fingertips), and forearms(spinning elbows). And elbows/knee conditioning for the clinch

Submitted September 23, 2023 at 11:21AM by trowaway3615

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Building your defense

Submitted September 22, 2023 at 01:30AM by Good_Energy9

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Evasive Driving

Submitted September 21, 2023 at 01:23AM by Good_Energy9

Analysis of Untrained Attackers and 2 RBSD Systems


Submitted September 20, 2023 at 03:17AM by RainCritical1776

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tips To Stay Safe In An Active Shooter Situation

In recent years, Active Shooter episodes have increased in frequency and unpredictability. Any busy area, including markets, malls, offices, schools, or universities, can experience them. For instance, on May 24, 2022, the bloodiest school shooting in Texas history occurred at an elementary school. Therefore, it is crucial to be prepared for active shooter situations and be familiar with how to handle them. With the right training, you can protect others and yourself in a crisis and improve your chances of surviving.

The main ideas are summarised as follows:

Be Aware of Your Environment: Being aware and familiar with the layout of the areas you frequent will help you react swiftly in the event of an active shooter situation.

Take the "Run, Hide, or Fight" Approach: This tactic offers a methodical way to react to the predicament: try to flee, seek cover, and, as a final resort, engage in combat. Running and hiding are typically safer options, but in some circumstances, knowing how to fight and feeling confident enough to do so might be vital.

Act Wisely and Remain Calm: Panic can prevent you from making sane choices. For the best chance of surviving, it's critical to remain calm and think rationally.

Try to come up with a plan: If you find yourself in a situation where you can't escape or hide from a shooting, you might need to fight back. Do not rush this process. Try to adhere to the emergency procedures in place at work or school. Try to take advantage of numbers if you are in a crowded area. Be a good communicator with your workplace or classmates. Make an effort to use nearby things as weapons. Use your collective might to surprise the shooter, bring him to the ground, and then disarm him.

Carry a bleeding control kit: Accessing a bleeding control kit might be essential for treating injuries since first responders may be more concerned with neutralising the threat than they are with treating the patient. It may save lives to have this extra preparation.

It's also important to note that while individual readiness is important, organisations and institutions should also have active shooter response plans in place and hold drills to make sure that everyone is aware of what to do in such an emergency. The level of overall safety can be significantly increased by cooperation between individuals and institutions.

Although it is sad when Active Shooter Attacks occur, it is crucial to be prepared because of the rise in their frequency. Mock active shooter scenarios are used in active shooter training programmes to give participants practical training in dealing with such circumstances. It's critical to remain vigilant and ready for both self-defense and, if necessary, aiding in an escape. It's critical to shift attitudes from those of passive victims to those of active survivors.

Submitted September 19, 2023 at 07:33AM by bravojo1

Monday, September 18, 2023

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Baton defense technics & how to make distance?


Short Background Info:

I'm an Enforcementofficer first year into my studies, It'll be another 2 years until I'm actually fully educated and will receive selfdefense training from the agency itself.

They have no2 however decided that we are suppost to wear dutyuniforms to university and due to a spike in hostility towards enforcement officers and government officials/emergencyresponders in general, I worry about getting attacked or due to uniform just pulled into a fight without proper training.

I've bought an extendable baton for selfdefense tht I can viably wear on my dutyuniform without anyone questioning it.

Do you guys have any sources you'd recommend for learning how to defend wucessfully with such an (extendable) baton?

I also travel via highspeed rail almost every weekend from uni to my hometown, aswell as ride a lot of public transit to uni,

are there any good recommendations on what todo when being disadvantaged due to being in a seat? there is not enougth clearance to extend the baton while sitting I assume

Submitted September 17, 2023 at 04:30PM by DayOk6350

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Most ideal martial art for short male?

Im a 5'5 male with a thin frame. Which is the best martial art to take if going against larger opponents.

Submitted September 16, 2023 at 03:56AM by Justsumguyyo

Friday, September 15, 2023

Would a stun gun successfully stop a fox?

I need to know what to use against a fox if it ran up on me. I own a stun gun.

Submitted September 15, 2023 at 06:42PM by Hermit_007

Self defense classes/academy

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a business selling self defense classes ran by someone with a military/close protection background (Delta Force, French Foreign Legion, Marine Corps, celebrity bodyguard).

Thank you so much!

Submitted September 15, 2023 at 06:29AM by Odd-Astronaut-1186

Would I have been in the wrong?

So today around 4pm, my wife and me were driving around town running errands. We got to a red light and had a car speed up behind us. The light turned green and the truck infront of us went to move when the car behind honked at us. My wife honked back and they proceeded to tailgate us, throw things at our vehicle and follow us into a parking lot( wife got scared and pulled over in a mall.) They then proceeded to pull up to the car and throw threats and ask me what I was reaching for. ( I carry a glock on my person for work reasons.) Me not wanting to escalate the situation I told them to just move along and that nobody wanted to fight. The male tried getting off so I showed My firearm in the holster and told them it was best to leave. They then proceeded to throw more things and then peel off. If he had come any closer to my wife and me I would have felt the danger of immediate death or bodily harm. Would I have been justified if I had drawn on him?

Submitted September 15, 2023 at 01:43AM by Forward-Analysis2388

Thursday, September 14, 2023

More reasons why stun guns suck dead under 21 hour

So yes stun guns suck as weapons. I'm not even talking really self-defense weapons I'm talking just weapons in general. So I bought a stun gun and I'm like okay the closest other kind of weapon to this is an actual gun and with an actual gun you shouldn't have the safety on and you should have a bullet loaded in the chamber. So I applied that principle to the stun gun itself I charged it up and turn the switch to on. And then I wrote down the start time and then wrote down when it died. The stun gun I have which I will link down below I turned it on at 2:04 a.m. And tested it at 5 hours and it worked and then I tested it at 10 hours and it worked and then I went to bed and at 10:56 p.m. Is when I tested it again and it did not work it did not produce a spark I stuck it against myself it did not produce any kind of pain whatsoever. When I was hitting the button to make it Spark the charging light actually went off That's how little power it had left. So it lasted 20 hours and 52 minutes. And actually it lasted less than that because it was dead. So I might repeat this test to check if I can get better more accurate results I should say because as soon as the stun guns stops doing that zapping creating the electrical Arc I should say that's when I would mark it down as dead. My rough estimate right now would be probably something around 15 hours. So yeah just another reason to not use stun guns

Submitted September 15, 2023 at 01:26AM by jaime_lion

How to start kickboxing

I'm a teenager, there are no gyms that teach martial arts where I live and I don't have much time to go to a gym at the moment, I want to learn the basics of kickboxing at least. I am aware that I will need a gym and a teacher to learn properly but while I get a place I want to learn the basics and practice. Any kickboxing expert who can tell me how to get started in this martial art?

Submitted September 14, 2023 at 06:04PM by Commercial_Rule_9634

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Best product you can buy online?

My friend has a bunch of self-defense gear but tbh, in an emergency, I'm probably only going to be able to wield just one, maybe 2 items. I'm a "freeze" type of panicker so I gotta do something simple.

What's the one product you can buy online that you would recommend for most situations? My use case would be for walking alone in a city.

Submitted September 13, 2023 at 09:28PM by ptrckbtmn-apologist

Self defense tips for sister

My sister is gonna go to college soon alone and she can barely do much by herself let alone defend herself and I heard even a few months ago there was somebody stabbing people there so I was wondering what she should have to defend herself in case someone wanted to do something to her

Submitted September 13, 2023 at 06:56PM by Yarimos

Defend from someone sitting down on a scooter?

Today I was leaving my house when someone on an electric scooter was speeding down the narrow side walk. He could easily hit someone so my dad yelled at him to get on the street. The man stopped his scooter and yelled back saying “YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT” several times he then threatened us saying that he would hit us. The question is how would we defend ourselves from a person sitting on an electric scooter going 20 mph with nowhere to side step to for protection.

Submitted September 13, 2023 at 05:04PM by Naive-Bee-6297

Situation I would like to know how to handle

I have noticed that in my neighborhood there is a man (Very big and about 6.5 feet) that demands people for food or money. He has a strategy where you are not able to spot him as he hides behind doors on buildings and walks out as you pass by. He is immediately aggressive and demands for change or food if you tell him you don’t have any, or try to walk past him he becomes more aggressive. I’ve heard he has attacked many people too. I am short guy, my question is how exactly could I handle the situation in the case that he approaches me and I don’t have the chance to evade him? (Im in the UK so none of the self defense devices are not permitted)

Submitted September 12, 2023 at 11:46AM by J-G-D-B

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

3 Ridiculous Self Defence Expressions Taught

I am certain that numerous other irresponsible and dangerous expressions are used in teaching self-defence, but I would like to highlight three of the most frequently encountered ones.

For the second one, I encourage you to check out Marc MacYoung's blog post by visiting where he discusses the expression in excellent detail.

#1 - Hit First, Ask Questions Later
#2 - I Would Rather Be Judged By 12 Than Carried By 6
#3 - I Would Not Want To Meet You in a Dark Alley

Which ones have you heard?

Submitted September 12, 2023 at 05:09PM by SAFEInternational

Monday, September 11, 2023

Head butting when taller/higher ground

Can you head butt someone when you are taller or have the higher ground?

Also which parts of your head do you head butt with and where on the other person’s head do you headbutt? Any diagrams that clearly mark this by any chance?

Submitted September 12, 2023 at 12:24AM by trowaway3615

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Fighting People with longer reach when skinny

I’m someone with somewhat longer arms, but my wingspan/reach isn’t long because I don’t have broad shoulders/clavicles.

How do I fight someone who has a longer reach than me if they are; taller, my height, or shorter?

I ask for all 3 because I feel like there is a different approach, especially fighting a shorter person with a longer reach may be tricky which is why I wonder.

And are there places outside of the head/chin that can cause damage with punches in a real life scenario? Like certain places that are more easily within range such as their arms? I know solar plexus but that’s on the chest which is even further away than the chin and guarded too.

Submitted September 10, 2023 at 08:24PM by trowaway3615

Leg Size and Kicking Ability

For dudes with big legs like David Tua and Mike Tyson, can you kick effectively at that size?

Submitted September 10, 2023 at 04:43PM by trowaway3615

Good ideas (Pepper spray)

Submitted September 10, 2023 at 06:07AM by Good_Energy9

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Grip Strength for Heavy Hands

Does improving grip strength (forearms/wrists) give you those “heavy” hands that bludgeon on impact? Asking bc my wrist/hands are basically like floyd mayweather’s relative to my size. Hands a bit thicker but that’s it.

Submitted September 09, 2023 at 07:24PM by trowaway3615

Could my situation have been avoided? If so how?

I was recently leaving the bar. I think I have ok situational awareness I passed 3 guys on the way to talking to a girl in the street. None of which were a threat. Next thing you know as I’m talking to a girl (in public) I’m attacked. First hit was clean cut to my jaw. Not sure why this happened, but it was random. How can something like this be avoided. My thing is I’ve heard so far “have better situational awareness”, but I don’t have eyes in the back of my head. He literally came from behind

Submitted September 09, 2023 at 03:58PM by duvalboyvm

Friday, September 8, 2023

How to train for a street fight?

In this scenario a person is forced to fight someone in about a month. They have no combat training, are of average strength and above average speed and stamina. They have an average body/height, don’t workout but occasionally practise cardio. They watch ufc/boxing occasionally and have witnessed many fights in their life. What can they do in that month to increase they’re chance of winning a brawl?

Submitted September 08, 2023 at 11:46AM by Speedstern17

A very useful Self defense accessory

This ring is not only useful in self-defense but can also be a good accessory for camping hobbyists. Whether you use it to open a package, peel an orange, or cut a rope.

What do you all think about this hidden knife ring?

Submitted September 08, 2023 at 02:46AM by gullei

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Affordable watches with emergency call options?

Looking to get a watch with voice activated call capabilities as a tool for self-defense. Say I’m put into a self-defense situation and I don’t have time to pull out my phone and call the cops. Would be great to be able to make a voice-activated emergency call, or make a very simple single-tap emergency call/ location signal. Any products that fit this description? My biggest emphasis is this emergency call capability and ease of access. Couldn’t care less if it let’s me use music or Snapchat or whatever.

Also if you could recommend any other subs I can repost to for this that would be helpful. Thanks.

Submitted September 07, 2023 at 09:43PM by Professional-Gaijin

Help please I need some advice

. So basically a guy a year older started kind of bullying me to the point where he would try to put me to the ground using his heigh tand weight. Me 1 year younger didn't have much chance in wrestling with him so I had to use judo. Keep in mind he doesn't know how to fight so I didn't really want to beat him up or something cause that would cause me trouble. Today when we were waiting for the PE class in the hall he started trying to smash me against the wall and squeezed my hand to the point where it hurt really bad. I got. fed up and started like wrestling him and then I hit a o soto ghari on him. (sorry if I wrote the throw wrong). He fell on his ass and his wrist and he got embarrassed, in front of everyone, a guy who was a year younger and a lot smaller just threw him. tho I know he will try to do something to me. I'm in my house right now and I am kind of scared to go to school tommorow. if he attacks me I am ready to fight back, tho I don't want to. Please tell. me. hhow to handle this situation and maybe hit me up with some tips.

Submitted September 07, 2023 at 11:08AM by combatfight

UpperBody Routine to be best ready for selfdefense

What’s a good upper body routine? I will be doing upper body twice a week, following a split of Lower-Upper-Cardio. I want to get as strong as possible, no emphasis on “show muscles” but want them strong enough to where there’s no pulling/injuries due to imbalance.

Kind of like how Joe Rogan and Pat McNamara talk about on their podcast.

I want to focus on back, grip strength, abs, shoulders/rotator cuff, rotational muscles, and the sagittal plane as much as possible. Strength for just overall power/takedown, and arms good and conditioned for striking power.

Submitted September 07, 2023 at 10:45AM by trowaway3615

Someone following my mother in law. She got away.

My mother in law got off work and went to a few stores. At the first store a car was parked inches away from her passenger door to the point where a passenger couldn't get out of they wanted to. She didn't think anything of it until the car pulled out behind her as soon as she did. She drove around the parking lot a few times and it followed. She eventually lost it while going to a other store. When she came out of the second store, the car was parked next to her again. She then pulled out again and the car followed her again. She drove up and down streets to get away. Finally she got home which the car nowhere in sight. She shut the car off and about 5 mins later the car following her drove past but didn't seem to see her car. I scanned the car for air tags with an app and physically. She has 4k security cameras all around the house. What other precautions should be taken?

Submitted September 05, 2023 at 09:01PM by sh4d0w1021

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Feeling unsafe at work

My co-worker( who is fairly young) keeps trying to show off and point the laser on his gun at me while I’m working. I’ve told my manager and he doesn’t seem to care or do anything about it. I understand everyone in my area carry’s a gun I don’t mind that but it’s making me pretty uncomfortable and paranoid to turn my back to him at work. I don’t know what to do to make this stop and get him fired or something. I’ve told him multiple times to stop but that doesn’t get through his head that makes me uncomfortable and unsafe. Is there anything I can do? Should I report to police? I can’t quit this job but I don’t feel safe anymore.

Edit: sorry if this is the wrong sub/community

Submitted September 05, 2023 at 04:31AM by Trippyjesus54

Monday, September 4, 2023

Wrestling Form Best for Street Fights

Between Freestyle/Folkstyle/Greco Roman, which wrestling form translates best to a street fight and what is the upper:lower body strength ratio needed for each or is it similar for all 3?

Submitted September 05, 2023 at 12:40AM by trowaway3615

Which type of street fighter is more common?

Submitted September 04, 2023 at 04:38PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot

Defending Intruders in Parents Property?

I’ve been living with my parents for the longest time but I want to know. Can I legally defend the property if there was an intruder trying to enter? I live Nevada. Thanks.

Submitted September 03, 2023 at 07:25PM by ScallionNo5391

Sunday, September 3, 2023

16000 members in r/SelfDefense!

Let us celebrate this milestone with a brainstorming session!

What is the state of the sub? What do the newest members expect to find here? What are the thoughts of the older members?

Many new ideas have been adopted; let us all carry on with more recommendations!

Last but not least, let's all hope we can offer advice which might save people from harm!

Congratulations to all of our contributors for their precious assistance provided to those in need.

Train as if your life depends on it; it does!

Submitted May 10, 2023 at 11:02PM by theopresent

Are normal umbrellas viable for self defense?

How durable are they compared to the expensive "self defense umbrellas" that are extremely hard to break? Can they still be used as a weapon for self defense?

Submitted September 03, 2023 at 11:15PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot


Submitted September 03, 2023 at 05:09PM by bringlitein

Do Single Leg Takedowns Hurt?

Do Single Legs Takedowns Hurt In The Ground Like Concrete, I’m really Interested In self Defense And I’m Wondering If Single Leg Takedowns Hurt?

Submitted September 03, 2023 at 11:44AM by xx_unknown_xyz

Does this exist?

I was hoping for a mace spray or gel that would sound a whatever loud DB alarm when you use it, does this not exist? I see separate alarm + pepper product on a keychain, but why not have it be one item, when it is pressed it sounds an alarm? Should I be taking this to shark tank?

Submitted September 03, 2023 at 05:41AM by Cassilac_

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Better Blade For Home/ Self-Defense

I've been on the fence for years about this topic, which of the blades are better for home/ self-defense: a Japanese-style tanto or a Filipino-style machete? For context, I live in the Philippines and firearms here are hard to get and my go-to self-defense weapon is a large can of pepper spray. I just have been thinking about it recently, which of those two blades would be great for self-defense in a home setting.

We can discuss the legalities in a different topic, I just want to know what you guys think about the merits and demerits of these two blades. I'm talking about this as the Japanese tanto and this for the Filipino machete. I have handled both in person and I like them both. Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated!

Submitted September 02, 2023 at 05:07PM by Solo_Camping_Girl

Friday, September 1, 2023

Muay Thai + Sambo + Kali Stick drilling

Hi folks,

I live in Ontario, Canada so there are not many options for self Defense weapons. I used to wrestle in high school, boxed, done Muay Thai, and now grapple at a Sambo gym.

1 on 1 no weapons I have no issues with defending my self. Even if there were 2 people I’m confident in my striking and grappling skills.

The issue I’m having is weapons. I’ve noticed my area is getting increasingly hostile and people are carrying bats and knives as weapons.

Hypothetically, would Kali sticks be the best form of self Defense? I’m thinking they are decent range weapons, fast, and not deadly.

Are there any other range weapons that can be used for self Defense? No guns obviously given I’m in Ontario.

Thanks for reading!

Submitted September 02, 2023 at 12:03AM by _TheJackal

What type of self defense classes for 5year old?

My son is starting school and is getting into sports this year . I think every mom’s biggest fear is potential physical and mental abuse (bullying) of any kind . My son is non competitive, shy, non confrontational, very compassionate and not the most typical physically inclined 5year old boy . He’s done soccer this year and wants to do basketball. We also talked about self defense classes and he seems interested and wants to know when and how to defend himself properly. Also , There’s this boy in his class that seems to be testing his limits and I’m trying to shut that shit down . With what I have described above , what self defense styles would be best for a 5year old with no prior experience?

Submitted September 01, 2023 at 11:38AM by GibbyGabbyGumDrop

Ladies self defence class demo 1967

Submitted September 01, 2023 at 06:42AM by tenniscoach40