Tuesday, January 17, 2023

How to respond to aggression/disorderly conduct?

Context: I (18M) felt very actively threatened today with my girlfriend (18F) during a trip (11:40 pm-12:00 pm closing) to the local supermarket. It started out casually with a common drive in, park, and entrance in through the automatic doors with a very short and exact shopping list. I proceed to the butchers section while my gf simultaneously locates the oil aisle and I notice a group of 3 heavy set similar looking(gang attire) individuals which isn’t out of the ordinary. Although I’ll be damned to not be aware of my environment. My gf then joins me after locating the oil aisle and we start the cut selection process smoothly. We pick our cuts and proceed to walk to the oil aisle to pick the best contender. While selecting the optimized option one of the individuals proceeded to walk very slowly across the end of the aisle while literally staring at my gf in onesie pajamas. This is instantly an extreme red flag and I’m in defensive mode as this isn’t the first negative interaction she’s had with creepy older individuals in the past. I’m about 5’7 140 so I’m not extremely uncomfortable ,but I’m within my senses to start utilizing defensive distancing and no interaction whatsoever within the group of individuals. While we waited for the checkout line slightly offset by picking chips the same individual literally walked right behind us when he could’ve easily walked around a cart maintaining personal space. They must’ve been 25-30 year olds and as they checked out the vast majority of employees watched them exit as well. They proceeded to the parking lot and my gf forgot the wallet in the car so I proceed to get it myself while she waits in the checkout line. I travel to my car and 4 individuals now ( 3 before??) are G calling each other with whistles and gritos. I open my car and one of them gets within 10-15 ft of my vehicle. No words or anything were exchanged, but I think you guys could understand how uncomfortable the situation was. I feel comfortable defending myself of course,but the situation did make me feel emotionally angry. It’s irresponsible for Individuals to conduct themselves in that very creep and aggressive manner, as escalation could occur very easily when the wrong person is provoked of course.

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 05:28AM by marthastewartstoe https://ift.tt/z2olkXw

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