Sunday, January 22, 2023

Defending yourself is not Escalation

I'm sure alot of you saw that post on here a couple days ago asking when escalation was warranted. People in the comments said things like "kidnapping, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc" and it made me realize that alot of people don't understand what escalation means or what it means to escalate a situation.To make it clear, if you are already in a violent life or death encounter, such and being abducted, raped, shot at, having a gun pointed at you, and you defend yourself, THAT IS NOT ESCALATION.Escalation means turning a nonviolent or nondeadly situation into a violent or deadly one.Some situations where brandishing/shooting would not be escalation: Being raped, Being abducted, Being shot at, Having a gun pointed at you, Someone actively breaking into your home, Having a knife pulled on you at close range.In these situations the attacker has already initiated a life or death situation.Some examples where brandish or shooting ARE NOT warranted and would be escalation: Getting yelled at, Getting honked at, Getting shoved, Seeing a fight going on and jumping in, Shoplifting, Someone fleeing the scene of a robbery.If your life is not in immediate danger and you draw and or shoot you are making the conscious choice to escalate a non-deadly situation into a deadly one and you will face legal consequences, in addition to putting your life and yhe lives of those around you in danger. via /r/CCW

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