Saturday, January 21, 2023

Conceal carrying in hot climates?

Hey y'all. To start, I am brand new to carrying so go easy please, I've got a lot to learn.As I am starting to carry, I've got a few questions/issues:How they hell are y'all concealing when it's like 100 degrees out? I'm in Texas, I know every other person down here has a firearm on them. Yet, I never notice. I can't help but feel like the buldge when I carry is obvious. Does everyone just wear shirts that are too big? Or what is the best placement when it's super hot and you wear less bulky clothing? In the winter it's easy to hide because of a hoodie or flannel.Where do y'all wear your firearm on your hip? Right now I tend to wear between 1-3 o'clock. However, I can't shake the concern I'll accidently shoot my dick off. I've tried between 3-6 o'clock but then it's extremely uncomfortable to sit anywhere. For context I'm currently carrying a Steyr C9 A2 MF with an IWB holster.What have y'all had success with regarding this stuff?Thanks everyone. via /r/CCW

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