Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Frightening first-time experience and awareness

I went out for a walk at night (I know, a stupid decision now I look back at it) because my neighborhood was relatively a safe, nice and a relatively higher class neighborhood or at least that was what I thought. I was walking near an open road and I saw this guy walking towards my direction on the path and he just seemed like a normal guy going in the opposite direction to me. It was completely normal until we walked pass each other and then he randomly tried to strike me by throwing a low kick at me to trip me over. Out of panic I jumped back and I dodged it, and we kept walking in our directions just staring at each other.

I was completely shocked and frightened and it just really caught me off guard and I basically froze up (completely different from how I imagine situations in my mind where I would coordinatingly de-escalate the situation or just fight back). I know this is a quite mild situation but what could have happened if I did trip really makes me think. I'm a short male at 5'7 and most people I come across are well above my height. I live in New Zealand with strict laws on carrying self defense weapons: even things like pepper sprays are not allowed. It just makes me really concerned, and I really took the news and media for granted when they really said crime rates were going up here. Definitely was an eye-opening experience: I've been brainwashed by movies etc all the time to think of street fights as more of an organised situation where the guy walks up and starts some video game dialogue before attacking but the complete randomness of it shocked me.

Is there any advice for self defence? I think I will greatly need it in the coming months and years and it will be difficult with the prohibition of basic tools like pepper sprays etc. Thank you.

Submitted August 02, 2022 at 08:45AM by Dahyuniiie https://ift.tt/zQkMXa4

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