Monday, August 22, 2022

What's first: 1 year of Taekwondo or Self-defence?

I am F25+. Lil' Chicken/egg question.

I really want to start martial arts, but I also want to visit self-defence course.

I can apply for self-defence classes that would last 1 year(a full year of self-defence). However, some time in the future I will also be taking 1 year Taekwondo class(possibly more)

The question is: Should I first take 1 year of self-defence or 1 year of taekwondo?

Would it be useful to first participate in Taekwondo classes before taking self-defence? Then maybe I can transfer some skills from Taekwondo to self-defence classes and have a better outcome with self-defence.

Or does it even matter?

What I need self-defence for:

I want Taekwondo as a hobby. I did aikikai aikido up until yellow belt, but it was a long time ago.

With self-defence I want to learn it for... Self-defence. I also want to be more aware of my body and to increase my reaction time(I heard self-defence classes help).

I look smöl and defenseless, so winning a fist fight is non-credible for me, but I am thinking self-defence can teach me to shield my body and escape holds(then maybe I won't be choked so quickly? win).

I have been in dangerous situations before in 3 separate countries, still wish I could have smacked them all into concrete :)

Submitted August 22, 2022 at 10:38AM by Lincolnonion

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