Tuesday, August 23, 2022

SB-918 (CA)

After the win in the Bruen case, many blue states went scorched earth on CCW rights, CA governor Heir Newsom included. He and his staff wrote up SB-918 which for all intents and purposes would not allow you to take your CCW anywhere for fear of arrest, fines, prison, and losing your CCW for 10 years. https://ift.tt/Zuzmgvp Besides the usual backing organizations like GOA, GOC, and CRPA, my suggestion is to actually contact your local PD and CCW issuing party (Sheriff for me) and ask them their opinions. I sent an email to both my local PD and County Sheriff. Both emailed me back, and both called me to discuss the issue. In both cases I was thanked for the information, the email, and basically told that they have no interest in such and egregious power grab that is all but impossible for the CCW holder to adhere to, and for the agencies to enforce. The point is to contact your local PD and Sheriff. A simple conversation goes a long way. They may not be up 100% on all the new gun stuff coming down the pipeline - they usually have to wait until the Attorney General passes down the "official" version. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/F1g3NMi

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