Friday, August 12, 2022

Got in a confrontation today, didn't pull my weapon, but came as close as I ever have. Do you ever worry you'll be in a situation and have to make a quick decision on whether to draw your gun and making the wrong choice?

So I am a business owner, I have a small office. This morning a young man (early 20's) came in and it was clear from the moment he walked in he was tweaking.He came in and I met him in the lobby and he asked some gibberish question I couldn't understand, I entertained it for a minute until I realized that he was way gone. Then I politely asked him to leave.He freaked out. I told him he didn't have any business to do here and it was time to leave. He started jerking around and walking around my lobby and yelling. Saying that I was a racist because I was telling him to leave and that I was a racist because my wife likes to fornicate with black guys and (he was black) and just a bunch of other dumb insults. I didn't flinch I just said again, "get out and don't come back."He then sat down in a chair in the lobby and said "fuck you, you gonna make me?" to which I replied, "yes, I will, if it comes to that."He got up and walked out to his car and shut the door and I was left standing there wondering if I'd just hallucinated the whole thing because it was so bizarre. Now at this point I never considered my weapon at all. But. He sat in his car for about 30 seconds and then he flung his door open and started sprinting back toward my office front door, my first thought was "oh shit, he got a weapon"At this point I stepped out of the lobby to the side and kind of took cover behind a wall and I put my hand on my gun and he flung the front door open and I could see he had nothing in his hands, he just screamed some more gibberish and then ran back to his car and sped away.It was a bizarre situation that I still am wondering if I dreamt last night. via /r/CCW

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